Today’s Bonus Offer



Chapter 129 Motivated by Love

As 4 pm rolled by, Erin had successfully registered for her original phone number at a telecommunications company in Fleuverton City. She also bought a new phone.

Chandler had flown back two hours ago. This time, he flew alone in first class without even bringing Kyle so as not to be discovered by Quentin’s men. When he left, Erin couldn’t see him off. Both of them felt reluctant to part, but Chandler promised to find time to see her


The two of them had been cuddling and lazing around for several hours in the morning. Even breakfast and lunch were brought in by the hotel staff. Chandler informed Erin in advance about Alana joining the film crew. It turned out he was the man who had supposedly invested two hundred million dollars to support his girlfriend!

His purpose was actually very simple, and that was to make Quentin gradually have a worse impression of Alana. Once Alana’s image was damaged, it was very likely that Quentin would replace her with someone else.

Erin felt guilty for Alana’s sacrifice. However, Chandler told her that Alana herself didn’t mind at all, and she already had her own love interest. Unfortunately, he hadn’t gained the acceptance of the elders in her family yet.

With Chandler’s explanation, Erin’s impression of this woman, Alana, Improved significantly. But he warned Erin that she couldn’t be friends with Alana, at least not openly, because every move Alana made was still under Quentin’s observation.

If Erin and Alana became too close, Quentin might once again take action against Erin and her family. Erin, who had supposedly been abandoned” by Chandler, was temporarily safe. Believing that she was out of the picture, Quentin no longer paid much attention to her.

Owing to Chandler’s frankness and willingness to tell her the truth, Erin reached a consensus with him. And so, they started their secret romance. The most important part was that Chandler made a promise to her, saying that the engagement banquet scheduled for the ninth of September, which was next month, would not take place as planned.

Erin eagerly awaited Chandler’s return to Fleuverton City to visit her. She was in good spirits with the nourishment of love that made her look like she was basking in the gentle spring breeze all the time. She constantly recalled the words Chandler had said to her.

He asked, “If Roman marries Alana, do you think they’ll be a good match in terms of their status?”

At that time, Erin didn’t hesitate to answer, “Of course, they’ll be a good match! The famous actor and the distinguished lady–how could they not be a good match?”

a mysterious smile and asked in return. “Then what if you become a famous actress yoursell?”

at that time. Her usual way

famous actress.

themselves in her mind. “Erin, I have never truly wanted to obtain love for myself because I thought it was worthless. But since I met you, I started to desire it. For the first time, I really wanted it. But I need you to

an acclaimed actress so that she could match his status. There was a faint bitterness in her heart. She understood that someone with Chandler’s status would definitely not marry an


both Quentin and the entire Frost family would oppose it and come down hard on them. After all,

bring them

enter the Frost family. The elders in

a potential candidate.

solely on her beautiful face and good figure? Of course not. Among those noble ladies, there were plenty of highly educated and accomplished women skilled in various

league parachute team, and a professional race car driver. Any one

and talents further fueled Erin’s feelings of inferiority. Setting aside his other accomplishments, his


of the Frost Group bearing the future and destiny of millions of employees worldwide on its shoulders ignited a strong sense of determination in Erin’s heart! She


completely delegate his power. Once his power was delegated, Chandler would become

focus on these important matters, Erin was filled with a fighting spirit. She had lost both love and marriage before. Now that a new love had come into her life, she had to strive and

pondered for a whole hour after returning to the film crew. She held the script in her hand and developed a strong interest in the

she received some news. The original actress scheduled to join the crew for filming next Tuesday got involved in a car accident abroad. It was said that she had fractured her leg, and


no acting experience. felt the urge to become an actress for the first time!

her reservations and passivity vanished from her heart. She had

finished filming and express her desire to play the role of the fourth

could become a critically–acclaimed actress, the fourth

arranged by the crew. When Roman saw that Erin was already in the dressing room, he made an excuse for Ken to go back

attend a meeting by the costume designer to


Erin briefly, Roman drank some water. By then, Erin had already stood up from the sofa. She looked at Roman with a look. that

a faint smile on his handsome and resolute face. He put down his water glass and asked, “Is there

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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