Chapter 136 I Came for You

Two days later, on the day when Erin officially signed the contract and started filming on the set, was also the time when Alana arrived at the set for filming. Chandler didn’t accompany her when she joined the set. Erin felt a faint sense of disappointment upon knowing this.

He said he would come to see her soon, but unfortunately, he didn’t. The man she liked didn’t come, but her best friend, Holly, dropped by

to visit.

As the crew members led Holly into the filming hall, Erin happily stood up and rushed toward her. She hurriedly left her lunchbox aside and hugged Holly.

Not far away, Claire, who was lying on a recliner wearing sunglasses, sneered and wordlessly mocked the cheap friendship between Erin and Holly. They seemed to have a deep sisterly bond now, but when they encountered relationship issues that involved men, they would surely argue more than anyone else!

It was lunch break now, and due to the hot weather, the director allowed the actors to have an hour of free time. Megan had already returned to the set and was in her exclusive dressing room. Liliana stood by her side and took out two limited–edition Hermès handbags from a branded shopping bag.

She happily said, “Megan, Percival asked me to pass this on to you.”

Megan glanced at it casually and said, “Put them away for me. Don’t receive gifts from him anymore.”

“What? Why? Percival is generous and handsome-”

Before Liliana could finish speaking. Megan interrupted her. “Liliana, you’re young and there are some things you don’t understand. Since you’ve been with me for five years, I’ll tell you the truth. Men like Percival are not worth keeping around. It’s fine to have fun with them, but if you want to get married, these idle rich heirs aren’t good choices as they don’t have any advantage over other more successful men. Besides, how can he, an actor who is on the second or third tier, be on par with me?”

Liliana nodded. “You’re right, Megan. I’m poor and nearsighted, so I value immediate benefits too much-”

It was obvious that Liliana liked the two Hermès handbags in her hands very much and couldn’t stop staring at them. Megan noticed and generously said, “Alright, I’ll give you these two bags. But don’t let Percival see you carrying them. After all, I’m passing the things he gave me to you. As a man, his ego might not be able to take it.”

Feeling overjoyed, Liliana thanked Megan profusely. Buying various luxury brand bags was her only hobby, and she used all her money to buy bags!

opportunity to deal with her for you!” Liliana understood the price of

hint of hatred flashed across Megan’s eyes. Thinking of Erin Infuriated her, but after composing herself over the past few days and considering that Simon had unilaterally given her a million dollars as their breakup fee, she temporarily let go of the grudge. After all, both

go overboard. After all, it wouldn’t benefit her if this were to be published by the major news outlets. Fortunately, they hadn’t made their relationship public initially, so only a

the set, the director had ordered the staff not to spread rumors anymore. Whether other actors discussed it privately was

need you to do. Get in touch with a woman named May in the group of extras. She is Erin’s cousin. Tell her that if she is willing to join

Megan. Consider it

hall. It was peaceful and pleasant here–a perfect place for chatting. There were still

sighed and expressed her admiration for how quickly Erin became an actress.

I’ll cling to you! I’ll be your manager, and we’ll fly around the world!” Holly smiled. Becoming an

that their financial difference wouldn’t be too significant in the future. They wouldn’t have to worry about who

felt sentimental. Now she was considered a newcomer in the entertainment industry, and apart from Roman, she didn’t have

really have any true friends. From her childhood to adulthood, whether it was classmates, roommates, female colleagues, and so on, they always couldn’t get along with Erin

wealthy father and marrying her first love who seemed to hold great promise made others jealous of her as her fortune reminded them of what they were losing out

time, Erin gradually became accustomed to not having many friends. Thus, when she saw Holly taking out a set of professional


of skin care. In about a month, the weather will gradually cool down, and you’ll have to wear makeup for extended periods of time during filming. You must use a good makeup remover,”


was about to say something, Holly quickly spoke up, “If

not friends anymore!”

“Then you’d better pray I become famous. At

can’t wait for you to become famous! When that happens, you can take me everywhere with you-”


Holly’s strange expression, Erin turned her head and saw Simon striding toward them, wearing


a sideways

it, fearing that Holly would misunderstand her relationship with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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