Chapter 144 Friends Before Men

Since the day Erin and Holly had both had a falling out in the bamboo forest, Holly had been ignoring her. Even when Erin was all over the news, Holly didn’t reach out to her.

Holly’s concerned voice sounded from the phone. “Are you okay?”

Erin chuckled and replied, “Are you asking about the incident where I was almost assaulted?”

“Erin, this is not something to laugh about! You have no idea how scared I was when I saw the news! My phone was off, so I didn’t see the news. I spent a whole day watching movies at home. It wasn’t until my other friends asked me about you that I found out what happened!” Holly said somberly, clearly blaming herself.

After listening to her, Erin’s eyes turned red. She thought Holly was going to terminate their friendship, but it turned out she was just hiding at home.

“Thank you for contacting me, Holly. I thought you wouldn’t want to talk to me anymore,” Erin sighed helplessly.

At that moment, Holly was at her own home, sitting with her legs crossed on the sofa and in her pajamas. She held her phone and said exasperatedly, “Nonsense! Would I break ties with you because of a man who doesn’t like me? At that time, I just couldn’t stand it anymore. Simon really didn’t hold back at all. I can’t believe I didn’t give him a piece of my mind! What a coward I was!” “Simon does have some issues. He said he had some kind of condition and wanted me to help cure it-”

Holly suddenly interrupted her, “Could it be a problem in that department down there?”

Erin sighed. “According to him, it seems like it.”

“Hot damn! Serves him right!” Holly exclaimed with satisfaction.

“Let’s not talk about him. I haven’t told you yet, but Chandler and I have reconciled. However, we’re secretly dating because his father wouldn’t agree to our relationship.” Erin’s eyes dimmed a little.

“Sorry, I can’t help you with anything.” Holly felt sorry for Erin. She couldn’t believe that Erin still had to date the man she liked secretly as if they were still in medieval times.

Erin forced a smile and said, “It’s okay. I’ll take it step by step with him. As long as he still loves me, I won’t easily give up on him. To be honest, I took up acting because of him. I hope to make a name for myself in the entertainment industry and be worthy of him someday. It’s impossible for me to get reborn to a wealthy family or become a billionaire myself.”

Holly comforted, “Let’s worry about the future later. After all, you both aren’t at the stage of discussing marriage yet, right?”

“Of course not!” Erin didn’t even dare think about it.

“Well then, just focus on your relationship now. As for me, I’ll have to find another man. Even if I manage to get together with Simon, if he indeed has those problems I’d be missing out on the most important human pleasure. That would be torturous.” Holly expressed regret

she said that.

burst into laughter. “Haha! You

all, we’re mature women. We need physical intimacy. You’re lucky to have someone like Chandler, who’s exceptionally handsome and has

Erin felt her face reddening from

but he’d already worn himself out with countless women before marrying me. So, he wasn’t good in that area. It would be over in just a little over ten minutes each time.” Holly’s blunt words made

boyfriend, Holly. I’m afraid you’ll explode from keeping all that lust bottled up. You’ve even

immediately restrained herself and said, “You’re right. I should really find a

a difficult question, and Erin could only advise, “Both Chandler and I think that Simon is a



good that he’s eccentric. Once this kind of person falls in love, they won’t change for

the other hand,

It was clear that a person in love was blind. Even a flaw would become a good trait

like someone, what others say doesn’t matter. To some extent, you’re also a bit stubborn.” Erin wouldn’t actively discourage her good friend, but she also wouldn’t

make it difficult for her either. “Okay, I’ll go with the flow. Maybe I just find him attractive because I can’t have him. Perhaps in a

is the best

at the loft?” Holly asked in a somewhat demanding manner, but it was without malice or jealousy. She sounded more like she was up for some gossip.

knew you would ask. So, this was what happened-”

briefly explained what transpired at that

anger, and then he suddenly realized he had feelings. No wonder he said he wasn’t interested in my body in the bamboo

left, I scolded him like crazy. But the funny thing was I almost got into trouble later, and he happened to pass by and saved me! Then he even stood up for me. In the end, I owe him a favor, and now

shows he’s not a bad person; he’s just a bit strange. Erin, you haven’t seen his professional charm when he

at that

It seemed like it would take a long time

anything? Did I disturb your sleep by calling you so late?” Holly suddenly remembered what

Erin’s side.___

you were alone in the hotel room. Since you’re having a meal with three handsome guys, I won’t delay

“It’s fine-”

the meal with them. It’s good for you to get better acquainted with them. They can help you when I’m not

“Holly, do you really want

never pursued a man in my life. But I’ll make an exception for Simon. I’m completely relieved now. You focus on your relationship with his cousin. I’ll take care of this oddball! Who knows? Maybe I can cure his manhood,” Holly

a while, she agreed, “Alright, I’ll get along with Simon

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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