Chapter 149 Reconciliation

Erin’s voice was hoarse as she asked over the phone, “Why is he here? How did he know that our mother was hospitalized?”

Gavin confessed immediately. “I’m sorry… I told lan about this. I was really scared at that time. Mom had just been taken to the emergency room, and I couldn’t find Dad. You didn’t show up in time either, so… I just hoped that someone capable would show up quickly. But stupid me forgot that lan and you were already divorced. He wouldn’t bother with our family’s affairs anymore, and he’s not in Southwrok County since he’s in the city. When I realized my mistake, I informed lan about it.”

He was very guilty about what he did, so he spoke with a bit of trepidation, as if afraid that Erin would get mad. After hearing her younger brother’s explanation, Erin understood completely. In any case, there was no point crying over spilled milk. Now that everyone was at the hospital she had no reason to send lan away.

“Gavin, I’ll be back soon.” Erin had already composed herself. After all, this wasn’t her private space. Her mother was still in the hospital, and no matter how much emotional distress she felt, she had to endure it. Besides love, there were also family and other responsibilities

in life.

Tentatively, Gavin asked, “Can you forgive me, Erin? I know you don’t want any contact with lan anymore, but I-”

“It’s okay. Gavin. What’s done is done. If something happens at home next lime, just give me a call. Don’t bother contacting lan again,” Erin

reminded him with a sigh.

“Ok, I understand.”

After Gavin hung up, lan, who was beside him, immediately asked, “How did it go, Gavin? What did your sister say?”

“Don’t worry, it seems like my sister isn’t angry. She won’t make you leave when she comes back.” Gavin didn’t hold any resentment

toward lan.

lan, who was dressed in a summer suit, seemed to be in good spirits. He was holding a box of expensive supplements worth a thousand dollars. Standing with Gavin in the corridor outside the ward, he attracted a lot of attention. Gavin was a sunny and handsome young man,

while lan was elegant and charismatic.

Many people passing by couldn’t help but steal glances at them. Handsome men like lan were rare in a small county like Southwrok County, and they were even least likely to appear in a hospital.

A particularly enthusiastic young nurse approached them and asked, “Are you a family member visiting a patient? Are you looking for the ward number of the patient?”

lan smiled at the young and pretty nurse in front of him and spoke very gentlemanly, “Yes, we’re here to visit a patient. We know the ward number. Thank you.”

His tone was polite, while his gaze was calm and friendly. Gavin secretly observed all of this. lan had contacted Gavin several times before, showing concern for his studies. He kept using the excuse of providing nutritional supplements for Gavin to give him money.

Gavin had already received nearly a hundred thousand dollars from lan without the knowledge of Cherry, Grayson, or Erin. Naturally, he wouldn’t let Erin find out about this.

lan expressed regret to Gavin for betraying his sister in the

exceptionally generous. In turn, Gavin still regarded lan as his former brother–in–law and had already

let’s go into the ward instead of standing in the corridor.”

behavior pleased Gavin. This former brother–in–law of

“Gavin, I’m worried that Cherry

go in first and talk to

then. I won’t go in until she’s willing to see me.” lan showed exceptional patience and humility. This made Gavin even more determined to help

supermarket across the street to buy some things. Her eyes were slightly swollen from crying, and she didn’t want her mother to notice. So, she decided to

a fan of celebrity gossip, recognized her as soon as she got in. Therefore, as soon as she left the hospital she wore sunglasses and a mask. Ever since the scandal with Matthew and

actor had spread across major websites. While other celebrities inadvertently got involved with controversies gradually as they became more and more popular, she, a complete rookie who hadn’t even filmed an advertisement, had unexpectedly gained fame. Erin still felt a little bewildered and thought that her fame was completely

who loved to gossip.

the shopping cart around the supermarket and threw the things her

her phone rang. Upon seeing that it was Roman, she

your mother doing?” Roman asked, getting straight to the point.

about her, so I took two days off to keep her company, just

sigh of relief. “That’s good, then. I’ll wait for you to return to the filming crew. If you need to stay a few more days, I can talk to the director to make some arrangements.

expressed her gratitude. “Thank you, Roman. I’ll let you know if

I’m heading to the filming crew now. Feel free to call

“Thank you, Roman.”

a tiny bit displeased. “Erin, don’t be so polite with me, or else I’ll

I won’t

I’ll be hanging up now. Take care.”

replied with

hotel room in Fleuverton, Roman slowed down his pacing. He looked at the disconnected call screen on his phone and felt a little sad that the call had ended so quickly. If it weren’t for his filming schedule, he would have gone to Southwrok

realized that he’d become

his pocket. Ken, who was standing beside him, asked curiously,

laughing because I

you feeling unwell, Roman?” Ken was anxious

forward with a

waited until she was at the checkout counter before taking off her sunglasses and glancing at the nearby mirror. A quick look confirmed that her eyes were no longer red, so she could confidently go back

bought. She froze instantly upon seeing the scene inside–lan was sitting on a chair, and he seemed to be looking at something on his phone with Gavin: Cherry and Grayson were standing together with their hands on each other’s waist

lan was the first to stand

and Grayson, who were out on the balcony, turn around

expression was somewhat strange. Not only was her detestable ex–husband in the ward, but even her mother’s current husband. who had just betrayed her, was also

saw him, she felt repulsed but otherwise didn’t lose control of her emotions. But seeing Grayson and Cherry appearing to have reconciled truly left her

sleeping pills infuriated her. How could Cherry easily forgive Grayson like this?

couldn’t bear to see Cherry reconciling with Grayson, but the speed at which it happened was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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