Chapter 162 Hurt for Life

Chandler glanced at her indifferently. “Mm–hmm. Let’s go.”

Seeing that he walked off without caring about her, Jazzlyn could not help but call out. “Chandler.”

The way she called out for him sounded like she had something else to say, but it did not make Chandler turn around. With his back facing her, he asked, “What’s the matter?”

Jazzlyn did not get mad that he did not turn around. She said in a delicate voice. “We’re a married couple from today onward. I know this marriage was decided by our grandfathers, so it might be a little sudden to you. It’s very sudden to me as well-”

Chandler turned around and looked at her, saying. “That’s right! It’s indeed very sudden to me. You should know why I agreed to this.”

Hearing what he said, Jazzlyn immediately looked a little embarrassed.

Since Chandler had already told her upfront what he was thinking deep down, Jazzlyn felt that she had to tell him what she felt as well. “I know a marriage without feelings as a foundation is indeed going to be hard for the both of us. But feelings can be developed slowly. As

long as you give me a chance. I’ll learn to be a good wife.”

The glistening hope in her eyes made a faint sneer appear on Chandler’s face. He suddenly moved a few steps closer to her, looked down at her, and said with clear enunciation, “I don’t want to lie to you. I won’t love you. What kind of wife you want to be has nothing to do with


Upon saying that, he turned around and left.

Jazzlyn’s heart was pounding like crazy as she watched his tall figure walk away.

Chandler’s stunningly handsome face made her heart flutter.

She had never had a crush or longed for a man like this in the past 28 years of her life. When her grandfather, Harold Overton, held up a business magazine and asked her if she was willing to marry the man on the cover, Jazzlyn could not even take her eyes off him!

She was extremely envious to see how perfect Chandler and Alana’s photo was on the cover, and she desperately wanted to be the

woman in it instead.

Without hesitation, Jazzlyn told her grandfather she was willing! She was extremely willing!

Harold laughed and said, “It seems like my dear granddaughter really likes him! Alright, leave this to me.”

Everything went very smoothly. Soon after both their families agreed, their marriage was decided.

Jazzlyn initially thought Chandler might have fallen for her at first sight as well. However, she did not expect that he only did it for his


Chandler was a dream come true to her,

wherever he went, so she must

wisdom to control her man and the most straightforward method would be

marriage that night! With her face flushed, she quickly walked toward the living


hours later, Simon and his father, Andrew, were the first to drive off. The Overton family was also preparing to leave


family saw the Overton family out together, and the Overton

to remind you that it’s quite tough for a woman when doing the deed for the first time. Just endure

so hard that her earlobes were also red. She glanced at Chandler, who was not far away, and her eyes were twinkling with the infatuation

She said with a

over heels for him. He almost married Alana at that time. That woman’s family background is very similar to the Frost family’s, but our family is not bad either! We are not as rich as the Frost family. but in any case, we are descendants of intellects! If he’s bad to you in the future, just tell us. I believe since your grandfather and his grandfather

Ruby was extremely satisfied with a perfect son–in–law like Chandler, she was still

inevitable to have vixens trying to get close to him in the future. Jazzlyn had high standards, so she had never dated anybody before. However, she was eager to marry a man she

and said, “Mom, don’t overthink it. Chandler is already my husband! I believe he’ll be good to me. We had an arranged marriage, so it’s inevitable that

at her husband, Frank Overton, who was waiting for her in

you’re a married woman.

throwing tantrums like a child anymore, and you have to care

The Frost family might have an opinion if we talk for too long. Just go home. It’s getting late. It’s time for

rest as well.” Jazzlyn’s mind was

respect for Gaston that he was still standing in place without leaving.

Chandler would get angry because of her family. If he was not in a

would be

I’ll stop. You’ve just married into the Frost family, yet you’re already taking their side. I’ll tell you one last thing–don’t use protection when doing the deed with Chandler for now. His grandfather is looking forward to having

to give the Frost family a great–grandson for your firstborn, you’ll have a more prominent status in the

and said, “Mom,

insists on letting you

go. It’s getting late. Let’s not hold the children


reminded her, Ruby held Jazzlyn’s hand

farewell, then Harold, Ruby, and Frank left

and said to Jazzlyn, “Jazz, I’m sorry to make you and Chandler stay at my place tonight. Don’t

on a sweet smile. “What are you talking about, Grandpa? This place

keep you

Come on, Jazz, come inside with me. I’ll show you to your room tonight. I’ve decorated the room myself Gaston had already turned around.

at Chandler and saw that he was sending a text.

with me.”

at him. “Are you willing

on my word?” Quentin walked toward the living

that his text for Erin had already been sent, he quickly put his phone away and walked in Quentin’s direction with big

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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