Chapter 176 Twins

After returning to the city, lan put a hold on his work and visited Cherry with some imported health products from overseas.

During this period, Cherry had been living alone in a small villa in the suburbs. She’d requested this herself. Originally, Chandler had arranged a luxurious mansion in the city for her, but Cherry politely declined.

She stated that living in a city reminded her of her missing daughter, and it would only make her absence even more pronounced. She preferred living in the remote suburbs and leading a leisurely life. She would tend to her plants and keep herself busy by having a pet dog while waiting for Erin to come back so that she could take good care of her health when she came back.

lan arrived just in time for lunch. Cherry cooked an extra dish of beef and potatoes and had lunch with her former son–in–law in the living


Looking at the gray hairs that became more and more obvious on Cherry’s head, lan suddenly felt uncomfortable in his heart. He held his spoon but didn’t move. He felt as if he had a golf ball stuck in his throat, making it hard for him to swallow.

“lan, why aren’t you eating? Is the food not to your liking? You really should have called me in advance to let me know you were coming. I could’ve gone to the market to buy the ingredients to make your favorite dishes,” Cherry said.

Cherry looked haggard with severe dark circles and swollen eye bags. It made her look at least ten years older than her current age which wasn’t that young to begin with.

Hearing her words, lan put down his spoon gloomily and said, “Cherry, there’s no need to be so distant. Although Erin and I are divorced, you’re still my mother–in–law no matter what.”

What he said made Cherry look somewhat conflicted. After all, she’d already acknowledged Chandler as her son–in–law, so lan’s identity as her former son–in–law had silently faded away over time. It was not easy for her to face a man who had once hurt her daughter deeply and was no longer loved by her. Treating him with courtesy was already the best she could do.

After Erin disappeared, Cherry found solace in religion. She tried to get herself to think positive thoughts every day. When she was alone. she would read the Bible, praying for Erin to return safely as soon as possible.

“lan, your relationship with Erin is in the past.

I respect your choice. But I haven’t given up on finding Erin. I haven’t given

new information, I’ll make sure to inform you first.” lan meant what he said. Although he didn’t have the same level of

Erin were now exes, their bond remained. At

suddenly burst into tears and thanked him. “Thank you! Thank you for still

couldn’t control her emotions. lan quickly realized that it was better not to mention Erin,

with a

the dining room and handed them to Cherry. lan casually asked, “Are you going to let Gavin stay abroad and continue his studies? It would be good

head. “There’s no need. Gavin is now attending the college of his dreams. I can’t hinder him, and I don’t want to put Chandler’s good intentions to waste. Even if Gavin were by my side,

him take care of you-” This was something lan had been wondering about. Ever since Cherry came

man who can’t change his ways has gone off with that wretched woman, Charlotte. He even managed to take back the house he’d given me! It turns out the property certificate he gave me back then was

and choked apologetically, “I’m sorry for making you listen to such

a little awkward as he comforted her, “It’s ok. Since Grayson is that kind of

talk about him. Why did you suddenly think of coming to see me

lan would have told her long ago and not dragged it out till

gathering some courage. he asked, “Actually, I have something to ask you today. Does Erin have a twin or

shock. lan dug up the deepest wound that had marred the innermost part of her heart for many years. Her entire face trembled and fell

an expression of disbelief, Cherry asked, “How did

confirmed the fact that Erin indeed had a sister

“I’m sorry for bringing up this matter suddenly, but I really want to know the truth from

to ask

with a vacant look in her eyes, lan quickly stood up to support her. However, Cherry waved her

necessary before she sat

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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