Chapter 185 You’ve Never Known Love

Three days later, at 7 pm inside a suburban detention center, Chandler finally saw Tessa, who was being held in custody.

Besides Chandler, Osborn was also in the interrogation room.

Tessa was confined in a trial cell behind iron bars, sitting on a metal chair with handcuffs and ankle shackles. She kept her head lowered. and her hair hung loose. She wore an orange prison uniform over her shirt.

On the second day of being held there. Tessa confessed to all the crimes she’d committed. She even revealed the location where the corpses of her assailants back then had been disposed of. However, those bodies were unlikely to be retrieved because they were all cut up and dumped in the mountains. Wild animals would have devoured those dismembered remains by then.

Her willingness to cooperate and confess astonished Osborn. She also confessed how she and Jack meticulously planned Erin’s kidnapping with the clear objective of obtaining her unborn child. However, Tessa deliberately didn’t disclose the location where Erin was

held captive.

If it weren’t for the prohibition against torture, Osborn would probably have been willing to resort to any means to pry the information from

her. But Tessa stated that even if she was tortured to death, she wouldn’t reveal where Erin was.

On the previous day, after yet another round of interrogation, Tessa suddenly requested to see Chandler, claiming she might disclose

Erin’s whereabouts.

Hence, Osborn immediately summoned Chandler to the detention center. In fact, even if Osborn hadn’t called him, he would have come on

his own anyway.

Now, facing Tessa’s feigned ignorance, Osborn wore a stern expression and loudly demanded, “Until when will you resist, Tessa

us where Erin

eyes were filled with a chilling coldness as he stared at Tessa. He requested, “Osborn,


Chandler a glance, nodded, and then left

left, Chandler spoke again, “Now you can talk.”

should I say?” Tessa looked up and asked with a

didn’t lose his cool. A barely noticeable curve formed at the comer of

uttered three words impassively, “You’re so ugly.”

cursing. “You vile man! How dare you call me ugly? Who do think is responsible

Chandler about the unfortunate events she’d experienced in the past.

Chandler coldly said. “Stop deceiving yourself. Initially, I thought your misfortune was indeed

of sympathy, but now I just want to

letting a group of thugs have their way with Erin! It was

over and punch Tessa’s mouth! He was standing there merely to engage

whereabouts, simply wanting to torment Chandler mentally. He wouldn’t fall for her tricks, but her words still made him boil with

throws punches anymore, are you?” Tessa looked unbothered and disinterested. Her expression was clearly provoking, as if she were taunting Chandler to go ahead and kill her if he dared. That infuriating

he could beat Tessa to death. The two scumbags had imprisoned Erin for a whole eight

patience. He was genuinely afraid that he couldn’t control himself. At any moment,

to kill me but you’re holding yourself back I must say, this is quite delightful!” Tessa

enjoying the

Chandler’s eyes. He calmly said. “Since you’ll be sentenced to death anyway, there’s no need for me to dirty my hands. You’re

words infuriated Tessa, and once again, she lost control of her emotions. “Let me tell you the truth, Chandler! Erin is already dead! If you want to

five minutes as

than to kill

me so much?

child I love?”

Chandler, she was as insignificant as if she were

the same world.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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