Chapter 191 Accept Treatment Positively

Paulo’s words dealt a hard blow to Erin.

Instead of living beautifully in her prime years, she had to hide from her family and friends in order to undergo treatments for her severe burns. She would have to endure a long and arduous healing process that would be physically and mentally taxing.

Although the two culprits. Tessa and Jack had ultimately met the bad end that they rightly deserved, Erin couldn’t let go of the profound and deep hatred she fell toward them yet.

“Erin, I can honestly tell you that even if you go to another hospital, they’ll tell you that you’ll need an even longer time to recover,” Paulo informed in a calm tone that carried a sense of unchallengeable authority.

Looking at him, Erin said, “Paulo, thank you for being willing to help me. I believe in the medical technology here. Besides, your secretary briefly told me about the Garden of Eden and what kind of place this is. An ordinary person like me is fortunate enough to be able to stay

here for treatment.”

The Garden of Eden had treated distinguished individuals who were either rich or were famous celebrities from all over the world. They would come to the Garden of Eden for scar removal due to a myriad of injuries they’d suffered in their lives. Meanwhile, some came for cosmetic surgery, either due to accidents or to achieve their desired appearance.

As such, the Garden of Eden was renowned worldwide for its excellent medical skills and high costs. The enormous profits it generated made Paulo a billionaire at a young age, allowing him to invest more resources into various medical research projects without the need to seek investments elsewhere.

“I saved you, Erin. I only have one request for you–be proactive in undergoing the treatments, and do your best to recover quickly. That’ll be the best way you can repay me.” As his words fell, Paulo had already stood up and was preparing to leave.

help but ask, “Paulo, why are you so willing to help me? According to

I guess fate guided me to you. After your appearance is restored in the future, you can become a spokesperson for the Garden of Eden if you’re willing to. I believe you’re going to be the biggest challenge


can truly restore my face, I’m more

I’d probably be dead

died in solitude on a deserted island filled with dark memories.

extended period of treatment itself is the most mentally challenging aspect. For sure, you’ll experience pain so badly that you’ll feel like giving up from time to time. But don’t be disheartened. I’ll accompany

during their treatment. Except for one patient I couldn’t save, I’ve made every effort to help them return to their normal lives. I hope you can be one of them, and I have high expectations

of a plea. This caused Erin to respond instinctively, “I won’t disappoint you! You’re providing free treatment for someone like me, who’s basically a nobody. If I don’t strive to live positively, I feel like I would be squandering all

was a faint smile that came from his heart, exuding purity and

surge within her heart. Her mindset improved significantly, and the people and things she saw started to emit a ray of goodness in her

had been feeling was lifted. What she needed to do now was to get better, stop evading reality, and break

blessing sent to her from the heavens in her turbulent life. The helping hand she needed was already extended to her. Therefore, she should accept it graciously and not waste this window that

as Paulo was about to walk out of the ward. Erin blurted, “Paulo,


suddenly turned around to see the automatic door closing at a steady pace. Erin thought he would leave, but to her surprise, Paulo stepped into the ward once again. His footsteps

Erin retreat subconsciously while thinking in puzzlement, “It was a genuine compliment from the bottom of my heart. He can’t be angry because I praised him, can

down and leaned closer to her. His face was just inches

emotion flashed across Paulo’s attractive eyes. Before

actions left Erin feeling puzzled. She was at a loss as her exquisitely beautiful

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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