Chapter 52 Dealing Together

The man appeared to be in his twenties and had a dashing good look with a pair of charming peach blossom eyes. Even his gaze was gentle.

“May I have your name, please?”

The man responded with an elegant smile.”You can call me Mr. Carr.”

Then, Elspeth asked in a deep voice, “Why do you want to come with me?”

Jordan Carr smiled. “Just like you, I have experience in flying planes. I believe it will be more efficient with two people operating the place together.”

Listening to his sincere words, she agreed to go with him.

In the cockpit, the captains were showing signs of extreme anxiety. They had just started working as pilots, so they didn’t have a ton of experience in the field. They were mentally collapsing under the strain of the situation and had no viable solutions to weather the storm.

When Elspeth and Jordan arrived, the captains were tense and frowned upon seeing the two of them.

“What are you two young people doing here?” Seeing that the two of them looked young, the captain couldn’t help scolding, “This is not a place for fun. Go back to your seats!”

She took a step forward and asked patiently, “Hello, captain. I have experience in flying planes. May I give it a try?”

“You? Young lady, aren’t you only in your twenties? This is a commercial plane, not your private jet. Go back to your seat!” As expected, the captain didn’t trust her and tried to shoo her back to her seat.

“I haven’t even tried yet. How do you know that I can’t do it? Besides, the plane is facing an issue and is about to hit the ground soon. Will you sacrifice everyone’s lives because of your subjective judgment?”

care less about talking nicely. She just wanted to

two minutes, the plane is still descending,

current situation, so they

is irreparable. You’ve tried your best.” The

down quickly and started controlling the plane manually. On the other hand, Jordan assisted in monitoring the aviation situation

and the air pressure is stable. What

figure out why this was happening because

the table intently for a while before uttering, “Is there a possibility that the numerical value of

little surprised. “You mean manual

current flight trajectory. It should be flying in the direction of Bellville, but the plane is hitting a high mountain not far away at high speed. Even if it doesn’t hit the mountain,

of his words. “But this is a commercial

a single aircraft, all you need is top-notch hacking skills.” He raised his eyebrows.

with a conscience will not harm the public.” Although she possessed extremely top-notch

it may

stood up when she heard that. She hurriedly returned to retrieve her laptop and started hacking into the traffic management department’s information network. Although it was a little more challenging than anything else she had attempted before, the invasion was still successful.

guided her through the process by

help exclaiming as she watched the

this time. “Yeah. It’s all thanks

would not have been

give yourself some credit. Let’s head back now. The plane can fly

nodded and returned to the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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