Chapter 71

However, why was he asking about that specifically?

I couldn't wrap my head around it and replied with a question mark.

He didn't reply back. He had actually already eaten breakfast and headed to the amusement park earlier than me.

The wiring and voltage had been fixed overnight, so Brandon immediately started on the debugging. I was basically just a third eye for him. He would adjust the programming and I would take a look. If I felt like something was off, he would do it again.

I also realized what he said last night. He genuinely didn't want any illnesses or injuries to affect the progress of work.

-He worked nonstop like a robot. I was forced to work tirelessly as well, to the

point where I barely even had time to drink water. In fact, sometimes I purposely held myself back from drinking water as drinking meant that I would have to constantly go to the restroom.

In the short trip to and from the restroom, he would already finish debugging one of the lighting fixtures. Without me to confirm if it was good enough to move on, he would have to wait for me. That really affected our progress.

By the third day, I was beginning to get ulcers from my dehydration. Brandon, on the other hand, seemed fine even though he had also barely drank any


I guess there were some areas that women really couldn't beat men in.

me, which meant that she was privy to everything going on. She felt bad for me too. I chuckled. "Even if I dry up, I'll dry up into a beautiful

my head back to drink some water and just

quickly?" Kara asked, patting my back in

Chapter 71


a bottle of water before chugging it


quickly, which meant his Adam's apple was also moving

apple moving was simply how the body worked. However, I seemed to be


almost choked again at that thought. Kara quickly patted my back again. "Why do you keep choking? Are you getting ulcers

over, and I quickly shook my head. "No. I just drank too

at me. I

myself from

shook my head

wouldn't have to keep going to the bathroom! Now your whole mouth is covered in dry sores.

approached and stood right in front of me. "Open your

Kara's eyes also

open my mouth. He peered inside and let go before saying,

at Kara, whose jaw had practically dropped to the floor. "Go buy some


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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