There was no response. My scalp tingled with fear.

But I couldn't back down now. I mustered my courage and demanded, "Who is it?"

"It's me!" Two words echoed.

Then came footsteps and an explanation, "Your blind date from the café this evening." Him?

I couldn't believe it. We'd met only once, and now he was following me. It was terrifying.

The hallway was pitch dark. Even with a bit of moonlight seeping in through the windows, I could only make out the shapes a couple of paces in front of me. He wasn't close enough for me to see him yet.

I gripped my keys tightly and was ready to defend myself as I asked, "Why are you following me?"

"Don't misunderstand. I mean no harm. I just wanted to protect you. It's not safe for a woman to walk alone at night," he explained. Then, he finally stepped into view. I nearly laughed at his explanation.

Following me like this scared me to death, and he thought that made me safe.

we hadn't even agreed on anything. Yet

to ensure my safety. I suppressed my anger and said, "Thank you

the stairway corner and said, "I'm a bit thirsty. Could

clear. I gripped my keys even tighter and refused, "It's too late. It's not a

stepped closer, "You're going to

nearer, my fear peaked.

that?" His smile in

shaking. But I resolved to

onto the last stair, I lunged with my keys. But before I could reach him, a cold breeze brushed my cheek. With a bang, the man flew back like someone hit by a force in a martial arts drama. He slammed into the hallway wall, bounced off, and

rebound looked

around when a familiar voice sounded beside me. "You went on a

It was Brandon.

the man sprawled on the stairs, "Leave now. If you're still here

clearly in pain, but he managed to get up after a few

wasn't sure where he'd gotten

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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