I shook my head helplessly. "She should know whose child it is. If you're really curious, you could just ask her directly."

Kara scoffed. "I don't have time for that. I'd rather spend my free moments looking at Mr. Howell."

When she mentioned Brandon, I realized he still hadn't come back. I glanced at the clock on the wall and asked indirectly, "Are you off work now, or are you just hiding in the restroom again?" "Maddie, what are you saying? Do you think I'm that kind of person?" Kara protested. "Mr. Howell has become quite considerate. He's even letting us off work earlier than usual." "Oh? How long ago did you finish work?"

"Half an hour ago. I'm already at home and lying on the couch," Kara said. By now, I had calculated that Brandon should have returned already.

I hadn't heard any noise though. Maybe he got delayed on the way.

"You finish work so early and don't work overtime in the evenings. Will the project be completed on time?" I asked Kara.

She seemed to be drinking or eating something, as I heard clear swallowing sounds. "Mr. Howell says we can."

"Do you think you can? Don't let him fool you. If you don't finish on time, you'll be the one who suffers. You'll lose your bonus," I reminded her.

She coughed twice. "I think we can. We're already testing in Zone D, and we're making quick progress every day. There are hardly any new problems, so we just work straight through."

clicked her tongue twice. "Maddie, it's strange. When you were here, there were problems almost every day. We constantly had to go to Mr. Howell's office to solve them. "But since you left, everything's been fine. Now, I don't even have a reason to visit his office

bad luck. Mr. Howell and I never got along well, so things always went wrong when we worked together. Everything got better once

Brandon, I denied it guiltily. "What nonsense are you

going on between you and Mr. Howell, it wouldn't be a bad

deny it. "No, don't think too

Howell moved out of the hotel. They say he rented a

pretended not to know. "Is that

deaths," Kara lowered her voice even over the phone. "Maddie, did you know about this?" I didn't. When Brandon rented a place, I asked him why, but he didn't mention

his relatives died in

lost my parents in a car accident, my heart ached at the

call and stared at the family photo on the

my parents' accident just

thought flashed through my

I still hadn't heard any noise from next door, I called

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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