Chapter 297

Lisa accused with a raised brow, "You were about to pretend that nothing happened between you and the poor guy after you used him for your pleasure."

"That's not true," I argued.

She huffed. "Oh, so you didn't just suck the soul out of him and left him pining for you?"

My own soul felt like it had only just settled within my exhausted body when I saw Lisa pointing at her neck. She braced her arms against the bed as she drawled wickedly, "I didn't think you'd be such an animal up energy and devoured Mr. Howell."

I swallowed at the thought of the hickey I had left on Brandon's neck. "It's not what you think. I-”

Lisa put up a hand to stop me. "Save your breath."

I let out an exasperated laugh, though I agreed I shouldn't try to explain myself, lest I made things sound even more scandalous than they already were.

Lisa leveled a calm stare at me as she asked, "So, do you feel more at ease now?"

I knew she was asking about my investigation of my parents' accident. I closed my eyes and refused to answer. She perched by my bedside and patted my hand comfortingly. "You can let it go now that you've l on the past."

It was indeed the past, but the horrors of it were carved into the back of my mind.

way he looked when he showed up at the

it. "I just sent you the video. Take a look for

Sure enough, Brandon hurtled through the corridors to track down a doctor. The worry etched on his face was so palpable that it was hard to miss. My heart wrenched at the sight of

and added, "Anyway, I should go now before

sparkling at the prospect of gossip, "Hey,

pursed her lips. "It

'fine." I pressed

said, "I'll tell you more about it once

I insisted, bordering on pestering her now that she was intent

dealing with a petulant child but relented. "He asked me if I still

was shocked. "That's

a laugh, and I tightened my grip on her. "And

balked and said no!"

dryly with a cock of

slowly. "So... Are you

if you count

you stop the roundabout answers and tell me the truth?" I begged, already on the edge of

quirked her lips. "What do you think

I thought about the look Keith had given her the other day and teased, "He probably said something along the lines of, "I have not

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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