Chapter 300

A heavy awkwardness descended upon us-except Brandon, who casually set me down on the couch as he said, "Just a moment. Mr. Gildon."

He did not walk away after that. Instead, he grabbed a dampened towel and wiped my hands clean. "Start without me. The oatmeal is still hot, so don't wolf it down

Conrad stood at the door, probably feeling as out of place as he looked. I said self-consciously, "Okay, I got it."

I couldn't get Brandon to leave me be and head to the door fast enough.

Still, Brandon did not join Conrad by the door until he had opened all the takeout containers and set the utensils down before me. For all the indulgence he showed me, he might as well have driven a knife into Indeed, Conrad was stone-faced as he watched Brandon fuss over me like a doting boyfriend. I wondered what he made of it, considering his feelings for me.

Finally, Brandon walked up to him and asked, "Is something the matter, Mr. Gildon?"

Conrad stepped away from the door after that, and I couldn't hear their exchange outside. When Brandon returned to the room three minutes later, his expression, as bland as ever, revealed nothing.

Seeing as I couldn't make out if the exchange had been good or bad, I asked between spoonfuls of oatmeal, "What did Conrad want to see you for?"

"Something trivial," Brandon answered, but I knew he was humoring me. He sensed my skepticism and added, "He made me an offer."

"An offer? For what,

junsdiction. Did this mean he had decided to let Bra If that were the

specify," Brandon said as he sat down. "He just

stirred my oatmeal absentmindedly. "And

Brandon replied, his answer

laughing, which earned me an incredulous look

"Why are you laughing?"

your straightforward answers,"

rushed to the tips of his ears as he handed me a piece of flatbread. "You can't

call them, then?" I teased, grinning fiendishly. "Can't I

it to me, but

I took it and brushed

Shameless, sweet-talking flirt.

nothing like the ones my mother used to make. I knew no two things in this world were identical. Now that

is it?"

wouldn't be brought

During dinner, Brandon supplied an endless

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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