As I heard what Conrad said, images of Chris during our school days flashed before my eyes. He was reckless and carefree. Back then, he truly was without a worry in the world.

I once thought he would always be that way, but somewhere along the line, he changed, and now we have reached this point.

Perhaps this was why they said the future was unpredictable.

"Chris also asked me to care for our parents... and you." Conrad's voice grew more somber. "He even said that when you get married, he wants me to let him know so he can personally give you his blessings." My chest tightened at these words, and a su

of frustration welled up inside me. Chris had caused such a mess, making everyone worry as if he were in some desperate situation, only for it to turn out that he just wanted to run off and hide somewhere. "So it's not really a farewell message after all," I said, my tone dripping with bitterness.

On the other end, Conrad quietly responded, "Maybe he has his own reasons, things we don't understand."

I let out a sarcastic laugh. "He has a wife and a child, and his career is soaring. What possible hardship or despair could he be facing? Is he indulging in some melodramatic, self-pitying fantasy?"

"Maddie, you're still angry at him, aren't you?" Conrad assumed my sarcasm was born out of lingering resentment toward Chris.

"No." I corrected him. "When I decided to cut ties with him, I let go of feeling both love and hate for him."

was silent for a few seconds before he said, "Letting go of love and

once analyzed for me. It also brought to mind Conrad's

him if he had let go of those feelings for

you planning to do?" I

the lid and


has gone

to do about it?"

is leaving everything to

not Chris is here, I'll do my best to take care of our parents and you. As for the company... I'll

striving to gain his parents' approval through his achievements. It was only natural for someone as capable as him to be ambitious.

comes back, he might not have a

it weren't for the affection he had shown me all these years, I would've said it to his face. "Maddie," Conrad called me softly. "Do you

He had picked up

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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