Chapter 506 Antagonize (Part One) "Who do you think you are to judge my life?" Katie's voice rose to a hysterical shriek, her words spilling out uncontrollably. "If not for you, Mitchel would have fallen for me!" From a young age, Katie had a deep crush on Mitchel. She once disguised herself as a boy just to get close to Mitchel.

When Mitchel uncovered Katie's trick, she laughed it off as just a playful experiment, trying to see life from a different angle.

Though her story seemed plausible, Mitchel kept his distance from Katie since then, his attitude unchanged.

Driven by her obsession, Katie

concocted a more dramatic story. She claimed she was an exile, banished by her own father, hoping to gain Mitchel's sympathy. Her bold moves were proof of how desperately she wanted his attention.

Yet, Katie was careful not to overstep, afraid to push Mitchel away.

While living overseas, Katie kept tabs on Mitchel, aware of every woman who came into his life. None seemed important to her.

In Katie's estimation, Mitchel's kindness toward Lauren was just out of gratitude and obligation. Raegan was just a minor blip in Katie's mind.

Even Lauren, not truly a lover, ended up causing a rift that led to Raegan's divorce from Mitchel.

Katie didn't pay much attention to someone as seemingly insignificant as Raegan. Little did she know, the very

woman she dismissed would be the one for whom Mitchel would eventually risk everything.

Katie's fingers clenched tightly as a surge of fierce jealousy lit up her eyes.

It was an emotion so intense that it threatened to engulf her entirely. It was Raegan's natural ability to capture Mitchel's devoted love that sparked such bitter jealousy in Katie.

Clenching her jaw, Katie snapped, "This is all your fault!" Raegan replied with annoying calmness, "You're wrong. Even if I hadn't entered the picture, Mitchel would never have fallen for you." In matters of the heart, meeting the desired one earlier than others didn't matter much. Logic just didn't apply here. The harsh reality was simple.

be forced. Removing

the desired one develop

simple truth led

a swarm of police officers followed by a crowd of

composure broke as she yelled at Raegan, "You called the media!" "Yes,"

igniting. "How could

media eagerly chasing this story, Katie

"Do you think I

music?" Startled, Katie stared at Raegan in a daze, whose tone and words reminded her of Mitchel.

"Remember, this is just a preview of what's to come. Your wrongdoings will come to light sooner or later. Katie,

her posture. She covered her face with shaking hands,

these unfounded claims against me?" she said tearfully, her voice full

resolved to bring Raegan

stated firmly, "I'm confident the police will clear my name. I'm not the guilty one here. I'm a victim in this mess, too. Do you really think these accusations will tarnish the Glyn family's good name?" Raegan was exhausted by Katie's theatrics. Facing her directly, Raegan snapped, "Enough of your pretend innocence, Katie! You killed the father of my child, and now you owe me!" Wasn't Katie well-versed in employing ploys of twisting the truth and diverting the public's attention? Raegan knew how to give Katie a

the media lapped

Glyn caused your child's father's death?" the

Faced with the relentless questions from the reporters, Raegan stayed quiet. She waved them off dismissively and turned away, leaving a furious Katie

had only taken a few

"My condolences." To Henley, Raegan seemed to be fighting a losing battle. With Mitchel out

was ready to overpower any opposition

Henley, her expression unreadable. "Move," she

Raegan to try to walk past him. However, he quickly grabbed her

will be mine," Henley

away, looking him straight in the eye.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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