Chapter 488 Henley, feeling the sting of humiliation, could hardly believe Alexis' slapping him.

A sense of regret washed over Alexis. Yet, he saw no alternative but to take such extreme steps to safeguard his interests, including those abroad.

With a mix of sternness and desperation, Alexis issued an ultimatum, "Leave now and end this foolishness, or I'll renounce you as my offspring!" The dramatic turn of events left Henley reeling, and in a state of frustration, he made his way to the elevator, leaving Alexis wrestling with a blend of fury and sorrow.

Beuford, ever the pillar of calm, took a moment to remind Alexis of his obligations. "Mr. Alexis Dixon, do not forget the commitment you've made." Alexis, now somber and showing a rare deference, responded, "I understand. I will handle the situation.” This was a stark contrast to his earlier defiance.

Mitchel watched as Alexis grappled with the aftermath, his

thoughts deep and unspoken. He then turned to Beuford, offering some hospitality, "Perhaps you'd consider spending a few days in Ardlens? I'd be glad to show you around." Beuford, pondering momentarily, gently refused, "I must return to my duties by Mr. Kyler Dixon's side." Mitchel respected his decision without further insistence.

Beuford, who had devoted his life to serving Kyler and had no family of his own, cherished his serene existence by Kyler's graveside over the clamor of city life.

As he settled into the car, Beuford broached a subject, "Mr.

Mitchel Dixon, does my conversation with Mr. Alexis Dixon not pique your curiosity?" Mitchel, with a serene acceptance of Beuford's discretion, replied, "If there was something my grandfather intended for me to know, I trust you'd share it. And if not, he had his reasons for keeping it so." "You're truly remarkable!" Beuford's approval rang out repeatedly, affirming Mitchel's rightful place as Kyler's

chosen successor. "Mr. Mitchel Dixon, your restraint from prying into affairs not directly presented to you, alongside your steadfast approach to resolving issues, truly honors Mr. Kyler Dixon's legacy." As the car Beuford was in started, Mitchel offered his respects with a modest nod. "Beuford, I wish you a safe journey back." Beuford, with a look of genuine kindness, imparted a parting piece of advice. "Mr. Kyler Dixon always had his reasons. Should you find yourself seeking clarity, a visit to Mount Moriah could prove enlightening." Mitchel, who made it a point to visit Kyler's resting place yearly, acknowledged Beuford's suggestion with a promise.

"I'l remember that, Beuford. And next time, I'll bring along ‘someone my grandfather would be pleased to meet." "That's a good call," Beuford affirmed with a smile, as he departed.

Once back in his office, Mitchel immediately set into motion a plan of action. "Conduct a thorough investigation on every individual tied to Alexis’ initiatives!"

Matteo promptly took charge, initiating a detailed probe into the affairs of those involved, a move that signified a major reorganization within the Dixon Group.

This decisive stance underscored the principle that no momentary advantage justified the compromise of one's integrity or position within the company.

by fury, made his way to the secluded confines

vehicle before he could utter a word of

emotions, confronted Alexis, his grip tightening around Alexis’ throat. "How could you plead with me to return, only to cast me aside now?" "Ahhh..." Alexis' pleas echoed in the confined space, his voice laden with desperation. You're nothing but a failure, unfit

blare of a car horn that

grip loosened, releasing Alexis.

contempt before deciding to walk away. Gasping for air

desperation, reached out and clutched at his ankle. "I's not as it seems, not as it seems, my son..." The earnestness in Alexis’ plea, his

add. "Just trust me. Give me some time, and all will be set right." Henley, his expression one of derision, questioned,


to make a temporary concession. Or risk losing the fortune I've dedicated my life

a loud "Bang!"

connecting with the car window and leaving it spider-webbed

skin turning a

was laced with concern, his heart

anger, barked back, "Get out of my sight!" With that, Henley yanked open the car door

to its limits, a

their seemingly parallel paths, only to realize that fate, it seemed, had

attending an

they give you any trouble? Mitchel, understanding precisely who Raegan was alluding to, reassured her with

see you

they found in each

feeling the weight of

so I might be late tonight." Mitchel, ever protective, offered, "If it's too late, I'l

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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