Chater 479 Henley wasn't taken aback. He had always seen Katie as ‘someone who wouldn't hesitate to employ any ruthless schemes to achieve her desired goals.

*Relax. Katie, I'm on your side." Henley's tone was even.

"On my side?" Katie snorted. "You're just trying to climb up the ranks yourself. But really, for a bastard like you, isn't that too much?" Henley's face turned cold for a moment. But he quickly bounced back. "Katie, this might be the only way Mitchel will give you a chance, don't you think? Katie was left without words for a second.

Henley went on to explain, "People might not notice the flowers when they're in full bloom, but they'll remember who gave them warmth in the cold." Katie thought it over and saw some sense in his argument.

‘With Mitchel backed into a corner, she seemed to be the only one who could rescue him. Besides, she figured Henley's wasn't strong enough to truly bring down Mitchel.

At most, Henley could only pose some hurdles for Mitchel.

And these hurdles could actually turn out to her advantage.

‘When Mitchel emerged from the conference room, his office had already been combed through by a professional, and all his documents and stuff had been taken.

Surprisingly, Luciana was there waiting.

At that moment, Luciana was supporting Katie, her gaze toward Mitchel somewhat evasive. "Mitchel, why don't you just listen to me for once and treat Katie well..." Even at this point, Luciana naively believed things would be much better that if Mitchel and Katie teamed up.Content from Dr(a)ma.Org.

Katle, her hands clenched tight, looked at Mitchel with eyes full of sadness. "Mitchel, I swear I had no idea why Henley would say that. I'll do whatever it takes to make things right." There was a catch, though. If Mitchel accepted her help, he'd need to be just as earnest in return.

Luciana chimed in, trying to smooth things over, "Mitchel,

Katie was in the dark about this. She cares about you." Mitchel couldn't help but laugh. "So, this is what you all wanted? "Mitchel, you've got it all wrong. I..." Katie stated.

Mitchel cut her off. "Katie, I thought you had some sense, but seems like you're not any smarter than Henley." Katie frowned, visibly upset. Then, her eyes brimming with tears, she implored, "Mitchel, I had no clue about any of this. Please believe me. And right now, I'm your best shot at help, aren't I?" Mitchel just scoffed. "You couldn't be more wrong.

to panic, beginning to doubt the effectiveness

sought Henley out

once more to

stopped in his

be a bit more understanding? Im not getting any younger and I really want a grandchild. Katie is great in all aspects, and she ‘seems to be quite supportive of your career. Haven't you noticed the company doing better these last two years? You..." "Mom!" Mitchel cut her off. "That kid has nothing to do with me."

quick to dismiss this. If it turns out you're wrong, you're going

absolutely certain I'm not wrong." Mitchel looked at Luciana firmly, insisting, "Katie is not what you think." Luciana accused, "You're just biased

denying. "No, it's something I've been taking for my health." Mitchel didn't push Luciana further but clarified. "This is a medicine for

and have it tested yourself if you don't believe me." Mitchel warned, "You should stop using it and be careful with anything Katie gives you to eat." "I... It wasn't Katie who gave it to me, Luciana

detachment. He simply remarked, "I just hope you don't

her hands shaking. Despite her relatively robust condition, she had been on psychiatric meds for such a long

Katie had

always so jumbled since taking the medicine, leading her to act against her own desires. If Mitchel was speaking the truth, that suggested Katie had been

Henley, Katie returned and walked

are you alright?" she

hands... They're not cooperating." Luciana fumbled for words to reply, keeping her thoughts to

didn't think much of it, assuming it was merely side effects from the medicine. Holding Luciana's hand, she said softly, "Luciana, I really need you to have a word with Mitchel for

straight. Please, talk to Mitchel

in chaos, Luciana nodded

chat with him." *Please do it today. I bet Mitchel's with Raegan right this minute, Katie said,

after Raegan's, totally enchanted by her." Luciana, thinking back on her encounters with Raegan, felt she got all muddled up. Her memories of Raegan being polite and warm were at odds with the idea that Katie was pushing, painting Raegan as some kind of

my head's throbbing. I need to lie down." Katie, slightly annoyed but hiding it well, sweetly offered, "Alright, Ill get someone to drive you home." Luciana hopped in the car. Before

life had been subtly invaded by Katie, even to the extent of arranging her transportation, keeping

the medication provided by the so-called doctor Katie had introduced to her down the drain. Then, she filled those medicine bottles with similar-looking

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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