Are Handsome Guys All Blind Now Jarrod spun around to find Jamie standing behind him.
Thinking she might not appreciate the smell of his cigarette, he snuffed it out and tossed it.
A wave of relief washed over Jamie when she saw what he had just done.
She was confident that Jarrod would not blame her for anything, even if she had done something as extreme as killing Nicole.
"Why are you here?” Jarrod asked with a puzzled look on his face.
Jamie lifted the thermal pot in her hand.
"I made you some breakfast.
It’s your favorite seafood soup." Jarrod's eyes twinkled.
During his challenging times abroad, Jamie’s homemade soup had been his sole comfort.
They moved to the dining area of the VIP ward and took seats at a table.
Jamie lifted the lid off the pot, filled a bowl, and passed it to him.
Jarrod accepted the bowl and downed the soup in just a few hearty gulps.
“How does it taste? Does it taste the same as the old days? " Jamie asked while staring at him with anticipation.
"It's delicious,” Jarrod replied.
As Jamie refilled his bowl, her hand trembled, and she ended up spilling the soup, scalding the back of her hand.
"Ah!" she cried out in pain.
Quick as a flash, Jarrod scooped her up and made a beeline for the sink.
He then called a nurse over to apply some ointment to the burn.
While the ointment was being applied, Jamie clung to Jarrod's shirt.
Her face was wet with tears and contorted in pain.

“What are you doing? Can't you see she’s in pain?" Jarrod snapped at the nurse.
Startled and terrified, the nurse began applying the medicine with extreme caution.
Jarrod's concern melted Jamie's heart.
She pretended to be magnanimous and said, "I'm okay, Jarrod.
Don't be so hard on her." Jarrod eventually calmed down.
After the nurse had applied the ointment on Jamie's hand, Jarrod headed to the bathroom to clean the soup stains off his
As he walked by the nursing station, he overheard two nurses gossiping.

"Did you see that woman who came into the VIP ward with the handsome man yesterday?" "Which guy are we talking about
here?” "The one with a scar on his forehead.
He looks rough around the edges but undeniably handsome." "Oh, that handsome guy.
What's going on with him?" "Well, he just brought another woman into the VIP section and asked me to treat her burn.
You wouldn't believe how much she was hamming it up.
She'd spilled soup on her hand, but it wasn't even that hot.
The way she was wincing and groaning in the guy’s arms, you'd think she was on her deathbed.

let that 'wound' be, it would've healed on its own.” "Ugh. There are so many women like her nowadays. They really do prove that the squeaky wheel gets the oil. Look at the woman in that

the end, he could not help it. After what felt like an eternity, he returned to the lounge. Jamie was still there, waiting for him. As he entered,

"It's about my family.
They only reacted the way they did because they heard what Nicole did to me.
Can you forgive them?" Jarrod looked at her.
His gaze was sharp enough to cut glass, which made Jamie flustered.

color. “Leave it alone. I'll handle them,” Jarrod declared. This meant that he was not going to let those people off the hook. Jamie ground her teeth in frustration. She realized Jarrod's decision would obliterate any prestige she had in her family. After

In truth, she's repulsed by you, especially by the scars on your back. She said they look like centipedes and give her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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