Sudden Death Raegan's grandmother was quickly wheeled into the ER.
Frozen, Raegan looked listless.
She didn’t know what to do.
Her mind was in a muddle.
Hector took off his jacket and draped it on Raegan's shoulders.
He looked down at her and asked, "You okay? Can you still walk?” There was no color on Reagan's face.
She looked like she was about to faint.
Regardless, she stood up with her hands on the edge of the bed.
Her pupils were bright.
However, the brightness was hollow.
"Thank you," Raegan said softly.
She was thankful that he preserved her grandmother's dignity.
After steadying her feet on the floor, she began to walk slowly.
It seemed like a century had passed.
The doctor in a white gown reappeared.
His face was gloomy as he sighed and announced, "I'm sorry.
We tried all we could.” His low voice echoed in the empty and cold corridor like a fated curse.
It was as if Raegan had been hit by a huge rock.
She staggered back with her eyes widened in disbelief.
The next second, she grabbed the doctor by his white coat and shook her head.

"Doc, you made a mistake, right? This can't be! Her issue shouldn't be this serious!” The doctor had mentioned that her
grandmother didn't have much time left, but he didn't say she was going to die today.
"You must be mistaken, doc.
My grandmother can't be dead.
Just this morning, she told me that she wanted to eat the special cakes from her hometown.
I was supposed to get them later.
How can she leave without eating them...” Raegan slowly sank to her knees with her hands still gripping the doctor's coat.
She sobbed.
Save my grandmother.
Bring her back to life.
I'll pay whatever amount.
Just bring her back...” Her voice gradually became tiny and breathy.
"At least, let her have a piece of cake and say goodbye to me before leaving...” How could her grandmother die with an empty
stomach? Raegan's hands trembled as if she was convulsing.
Her tears flowed like water and her cries echoed in the corridor.
Soon, a nurse came and pulled her up by the arm.
"Young lady, I'm really sorry for your loss.
Our hearts go out to you.

We understand your pain, but please, calm down.
You should go see your grandmother one last time.” Raegan kicked and shook her head like a child.

and vacant as she said, "My grandmother is not in here... She’s waiting for me in the ward...” After saying that, she turned around and started to rush to the ward. A strong hand suddenly grabbed her arm. Hector frowned slightly. Raegan's arm was too thin as if he was holding a pencil, making Raegan seem even more fragile and delicate. He said, "Raegan, go and have a look." It was as if a basin of cold water had just been poured over Reagan's head. She shivered and her long eyelashes hung down while trembling densely. She looked so pitiful like a stray dog on the streets on a cold rainy

lowered his head, and left. There was a body on a cold iron bed. A white sheet was over it. With her back against the door, Raegan stood frozen for a good minute. She then took one painstaking step after another. Her entire body was trembling as she lifted the white sheet. Save for the pale lips, her grandmother looked like she was

soft and gentle voice. "Say something, please. Even if it’s a single word. Don't leave me alone..." Despite calling out for a long time, her grandmother still didn't wake up. Raegan held her grandmother's face and finally cried out. It wasn't a sob or a whimper. This time, it was a heart -wrenching cry. The cry was so poignant that it could melt the heart of the devil himself. "Grandma, you can't do this to me. How am I supposed to live without you? Come back to me. I'm not

She completed the necessary procedures and contacted the funeral home in Tenassie.

would only get there by morning at the earliest. Kendra, the attending nurse of Raegan's grandmother, stayed by her side. She even urged Raegan to take a rest in one of the wards, but Raegan insisted on staying where she was. She wanted to be as close as she could to her grandmother. It was about time Hector left. Although he sympathized with her, he had to go. He had happened to be passing by today and had already been delayed for a long time. As soon as he came to Raegan's side, she looked up at him. Her eyes were red and swollen from all the crying. Raegan stood up and solemnly bowed to Hector. Her voice came out hoarse and broken. “Thank you, Mr. Dixon. I don't have my phone on me right

had a habit of furrowing them too just like the other male Dixons. Hector was somewhat surprised. Since she didn't address him by his first name despite knowing who he really was, the reason was quite clear. It appeared all

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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