Chapter 393 Pursue Me Again

The young man died two days later. Following the terms of the contract, his parents donated his corneas. However, before the surgery, they requested to meet Amelia. When they saw how polite and beautiful she was, they felt that their son’s eyes had not gone to waste. This pitiful couple was no longer as devastated as before—at least, their son’s eyes could live on with a pretty and kind girl, witnessing the beautiful scenery of Chanaea through her eyes.

The man’s mother held on to Amelia’s hand and said, “I’m relieved that my son’s eyes are going to be transplanted to you. Please treasure them! After you’ve regained your vision from the surgery and returned to Chanaea from Anglandur, can you promise me to go to Norham? It has been my son’s dream to attend college in Norham and see his parents’ hometown. Now that he’s gone, his wish can never be fulfilled. So please, fulfil it for him.”

Sorrow washed over Amelia when she heard that. As the pain of losing a son was possibly the greatest torment, she did not refuse them.

“If my surgery’s a success and I can see again, I’ll definitely go to Norham with my husband. I’ll take some photos and send them to you,” promised Amelia solemnly in her hospital gown.

“Thank you!” said the mother hoarsely.

Amelia smiled in response.

After chatting for a while, Amelia was pushed into the operating room. When the door closed slowly, the couple, who looked like they had aged ten years in an instant, leaned against each other with a despairing look on their faces.

The mother said hoarsely, “Mr. Clinton, your wife’s eyes look just like my son’s. I feel like I’m seeing him whenever I look at her. After settling my son’s funeral, can I please visit her again?”

Oscar averted his gaze from the operating room’s sign and glanced at her. “Of course. Now that your son’s eyes have been transplanted to my wife, both of you will be inextricably linked. You can even ask her to be your goddaughter, but whether she’s willing or not… that’ll depend on her. I don’t want to force her.”

“There’s no need to ask her to become my goddaughter for the time being. We’ve only met your wife by chance. I just hope to see my son’s eyes again. He passed away from leukemia moments after his twentieth birthday. I don’t even have enough time to see him, so I’d like to take a few more glimpses at him.” With that, she sobbed heartbreakingly.

“My sincerest condolences to you, Mrs. Hill. One cannot come back from the dead,” consoled Oscar drily. Any words would only seem empty and helpless in front of those who had lost their loved ones.

The mother, Mary Hill, squeezed out a smile. After saying a few more things to Oscar, she left with her husband. As their son had just died, there were a lot of things they had to settle. Meanwhile, as Oscar and Tiffany were too worried about Amelia in the operating room, they did not exchange much consolation and niceties to the couple.

The surgery lasted for nearly eight hours. When James came out, he looked utterly exhausted.

strode over to him and asked anxiously, “James, how’s

him a tired smile. “The surgery

Oscar finally heaved

Despite the many thoughts rushing through his mind, that was

chuckled. “We’re buddies, aren’t we?

improving greatly, Oscar cracked a smile

a bandage wrapped around her

exclaimed, “This is great! All the suffering was worth it. Amelia will

his arms and

nodded. Suddenly, she burst into tears, startling the other

heart aching for her, Derrick wiped her tears away and asked anxiously, “What’s

putting up a tough front and forcing herself to appear happy. I’m so happy for her. Now, she can finally stop being bothered by her own disability! There’s no need for her to leave her hometown anymore. Over the past two

to be happy, she

her a complicated look and urged softly, “Stop crying, Tiffany. Are you trying to wake Amelia

that. She wiped the tears away from

happy that I couldn’t control myself,”

it was so difficult for him to reconcile with Amelia again. Despite being separated for two years, they had

she woke up, she called out

pressed it against

“Can you

drank it, he helped her up tenderly and said, “I’ll call the

well. If nothing else

“Thank you,

gone through life and death together. His affairs are my own,” said James, sounding like a true-blue Chanaean instead

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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