Chapter 96: All Men Are Liars

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The car ride was silent. Hence, when he spoke, Qiao Nian felt the need to reply to him.

However, she didn’t know how to reply to him.


If she wasn’t angry, why would she avoid him?

Ye Wangchuan smiled as he leaned against the leather seat and stretched his entire body. Even though the car’s internal space was huge, his long and slender legs made it look cramped.

“Do you feel that I shouldn’t have carried you out like that?”

His voice control was excellent. His voice was raspy and nonchalant, so he sounded quite sexy.

which made it seem as though he was speaking right next


getting shy again. She could feel her face getting flushed as she wasn’t sure why

could’ve walked myself. My arm is injured, not

dispersing the cold look in his eyes. He then said it in a way that couldn’t be rebutted, “But you’re

worried for

you’re being too

she frowned. A hint of annoyance flashed in her eyes as she said, “My arm injury doesn’t affect the way

had seen a man like Ye Wangchuan before. She anticipated multiple rumors because of what he did when

didn’t care about how others viewed her or what they said behind her back. But she hated trouble,

one of her cousins.

She couldn’t put her finger on it. She just found that she

Nian was zoning out, she didn’t realize that she was trapped in

the time she realized it, Ye Wangchuan was next to her. His slender limbs surrounded her. One of his hands was at the driver’s seat for support and his limbs formed a barrier

could see his neck

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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