Chapter 103: Qiao Nian Is an Important Guest of Cheng Feng Corporation?

Seven’s unique designs were well-known internationally. During the yearly fashion week, the models walking down the catwalk would be wearing their products.

Hence, the local celebrities were proud to wear products from Seven.

However, few knew that Designer S that was responsible for Seven was a female high schooler that just turned 18.

This was especially rare in the design industry. Men were dominant there, and most of the designers for huge brands were male.

Even though some of them were gay!

However, Qiao Nian was tearing down this glass ceiling. It felt as though there was nothing that Qiao Nian couldn’t do. If she couldn’t do it, it was because she didn’t want to!

“Are you also not attending the exhibition this time?” Yuan Yongqin asked her after keeping the papers.

Qiao Nian wasn’t interested at all. “Not going.”

Yuan Yongqin lamented. “Many powerful people from Beijing will be attending the event. If you’re willing to show yourself…”

Nian showed herself, no one could

Including Qiao Chen.

She would shock everyone.

her hand and said, “I’m not interested. I don’t like it

myself from asking you, just in case you change your mind,” Yuan Yongqin said,

couldn’t stop herself… She wanted Qiao Nian to amaze those people

stay any longer. She chatted for a while until the business people knocked at the door. She then

Corporation. As she was right next to the city center, she was reminded of the

visit them, she wanted to head to the mall. She wanted to get him a

given up his bed

Nian was really happy as she walked towards the mall with her hands in her

after her after a while. It was Qiao Weimin, who had waited for almost two hours without managing to

“It’s her?!”

pointed at Qiao Nian, and asked, “Hi, do you

at the front desk hadn’t seen her much as she would usually use her special lift. However, there was something unique about her that would allow people to remember

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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