Chapter 175: Sister Nian’s Fallen Sockpuppet

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The atmosphere in the Qiao Family was exceptionally heavy.

Qiao Chen had bawled her eyes out the moment she got home and was still wiping her red and teary eyes.

He Yujuan and Shen Qiongzhi had nothing better to say but “This can’t be true, it’s definitely an edited video.”

Besides these, they had no other words.

Qiao Weimin looked like a mess. He was unshaven and his eyes were bloodshot from the lack of sleep all these nights. He cupped his head in his hands and was in a terrible mood.

the two


still making noise. What’s the point of making so much noise,

that he’d been doing well. He wanted to improve his status and position with the help of the Fu


since the two women forced his adoptive daughter away, everything had been terrible for


“You people still have the cheek to make this much noise at home. What did I say back then? I told you that even though Qiao Nian isn’t our biological child, we have raised her for over 10 years no matter what. We aren’t related by

County. If we didn’t cut off all contact with her, she might bring her entire family here to ask us for help in the future. But what did it turn out to

superstar makes in a year? With that status, he could get

back then and nicely given Nian Nian that sum of money when she left, we would have parted on good terms. Would we be the laughing stock we are now? Didn’t you say the professor from Qing University

she bit her lip in agony. She rebuked, “Dad, how can you blame Fu Ge for this? Who knew that Qiao Nian’s father was a professor from Qing University? Fu Ge had gotten an award from school,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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