Chapter 2706: I Wanted to Talk to You About This Too

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Leonard felt like he had kicked an iron plate. His expression was ugly, but he did not want to offend the Neutral Party. He could only swallow his anger and say, “Don’t worry about it then.”

Although he said that, he still felt uncomfortable.

Why was Qiao Nian so strange?!

It was one thing for that old fart from the Conservatives to compete with him, but the Neutrals, which usually did not cause trouble, also seemed to be taking sides!

What a coincidence!

Qiao Nian sent them back to the hotel after lunch.

Because she had just entered the Privy Council herself, she had only been taking care of the procedures for the past two days and was not too busy yet.

Xu Yi and the rest invited her to their room to play upon seeing that she was free.

place Guan Yan arranged for them, Qiao Nian sent Ye Wangchuan a WeChat message saying that she was

the hotel

hoodie, mainly for comfort. Coupled with her sloppy and unique aura, she

with her gave them

front and pressed the elevator button. Then, she tilted her head and replied,

had a total of 60 floors,

a restaurant on the

also a special swimming pool

rooms were on the ninth floor. It was not high, but compared to the 30th

rooms with consecutive numbers available. The other floors

She pulled down the brim of her cap, nodded, and



moved aside, leaving a path for them to come

first, but just as Qiao Nian was about to enter, she heard

“Miss Qiao.”

come down to make a call. Unexpectedly, he bumped into her at

about to close, Qiao Nian said to Xue Zhu and the rest, “You guys go up first. I’ll be right

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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