Chapter 2713: Sister Nian: A Few People from the Reclusive Families

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Ye Wangchuan also said that Qiao Nian had gone out to pick someone up. Qin Si sized up the matter curiously. “Friend? Do you know which friend she went to pick up?”

Which friend?

Cao Yanhua and Han Cheng looked at each other and shook their heads, indicating that they did not know.

Qin Si turned to look at the man sitting beside him. “Master Wang, do you know which friend Sister Qiao is picking up?”

“Huh?” Ye Wangchuan seemed to have been born for such an occasion. His aura was naturally noble as he glanced at Qin Si indifferently and retracted his gaze. He snapped his fingers and called the waiter to change the black tea to his usual bamboo green tea. Then, he slowly turned to the person staring at him and said, ‘You’ll see later.’

Qin Si watched as the waiter changed the tea and quickly asked him for the

same. Then, he snorted and gloomily said, “Petty! It won’t hurt to reveal it in advance.’

cups of green tea and placed them in front

Wangchuan raised his teacup and took a sip. Then, he looked at him with a leisurely expression. “What

that Sister Qiao should be back soon. Should we

He asked him

did not like coffee and was

drank mineral

would have iced water with some

not add ice to her glass. He only wanted a cup of water

immediately looked away and chatted with Cao Yanhua


on her cell phone for more than 10 minutes. The

was quite bored. Fortunately, the person she came to pick up did not make her wait too

car stopped in front of her. A tall figure jumped out

her cell phone when she heard his voice. She looked up

not bring anyone with him

in front of her and took a look

bring anyone

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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