Chapter 2834: Wei Ying Goes to Old Master Ye

[Flying Cat: Tian Dali’s family actually lost. Looks like they framed the professor. I knew it. That woman cried too fakely during the interview.] [Tiantian Is a Goddess: There’s no secret operation here, right?]

[Golden Pilot: Haha, is there something wrong with you? If you don’t believe the official news, then believe in hearsay. If the law isn’t trustworthy, why don’t you replace it? You have the final say, right?]

Most netizens had sympathized with the weak ‘victim’, and now they slowly became rational. Someone exposed the screenshot of Wang Guifen forcefully pulling the child to face the camera during an interview. They used the screenshot to prove that Wang Guifen did not love her child as much as she said she did.

With this screenshot, people began to skin Tian Dali’s family, turning them upside down in a short time.

Tian Dali’s gambling debt immediately went on Weibo’s trending list.

Public opinion flipped for the second time.

Previously, half of the netizens believed the court’s verdict and half of them thought that it was not easy to provide evidence for such a matter. Losing the lawsuit did not mean that Jiang Zongjin was innocent.

In the end, Tian Dali’s debt due to gambling was exposed. The netizens who had maintained a wait-and-see attitude previously realized that they had been used as a tool and began to criticize him.

scolded him, naturally, some people continued

topic #WangGuifenStepmother

met Wang Guifen, he had a girlfriend who gave birth to his child, but the two did

Guifen got married. For the sake of the child’s studies, the child’s household register was registered

The truth was out!

after that was just as

Dali and Wang Guifen used public opinion to attack Jiang Zongjin. Now that the truth was out, the backlash of the reversed public opinion was as painful as

more details

so anxious that they could not eat.

even dare to leave

still afraid that someone would come and beat them up. Thus, they lock themselves

the Ye

the old

picked up the fresh bird food. Without

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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