Chapter 122 A Powerful Counterattack


It was named John.

Many ladies in the auction house were excited when hearing the name.

As a woman who didn’t want to be a beauty, just like the name of this mask?

The name of this facial mask was the best wishes for them!

The brand BEAUTY was bound to be popular!

They couldn’t wait to know when the mask would be on sale.

Yelena said, “In the middle of next month, our Queenie Group will set up a branch in the provincial city, and the main product will be this kind of facial mask.”

When Yelena said this, she glanced at John, sitting in the VIP seat.


It was also John’s idea to set up a branch.

When Yelena heard the news, she felt John was crazy.

Her team was the first group of Queenie and had been loyal to her.

In the past, when people heard that Queenie kept a toy boy named John, the company’s management was in turmoil, but Yelena’s team didn’t think too much.

The CEO’s private life was none of their business. They just needed to do their research and development job well.

Yelena’s team was absolute loyalty to

that John was going to

use the products to open the market of the provincial capital and then consider the establishment of a branch instead of announcing the opening of a branch before the new

was a provocation to the skin care companies in the provincial capital. They were likely to be suppressed

made the formula provided by John into a finished product with resentment, they

when the new products were developed, the team would carry out a series of effectiveness tests, adverse reactions

product, they only felt that John

A total genius!

simply a fabulous facial mask, which was absolutely enough to break the existing skin care industry barriers in the

he didn’t know how to make decisions, but

to support a company

then on, Yelena’s team changed their attitude toward

they only knew the first reason and

provincial capital

tell them in front of their face that he was coming to take over their market. If

was also his letter of challenge to

can. If

you call me a

family think I

to say anything because today’s charity auction would

Nick and

to do with John, but they felt that

Damn it!

fist and punched hard on the armrest of the seat to express her


few entrepreneurs who also engaged in skin care products, the rest of the people were

Especially those rich ladies.

Queenie Group

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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