Chapter 183 Crawl?

It was John’s third elder sister, Alice, who was hiding on the balcony and ready to launch a sneak attack.

With Alice’s ability, it was very easy to find the temporary residence of John.

Of course.

It was also easy to climb from the bottom to the balcony on the fifth floor.

In fact, when John was talking with Emily just now, he had already sensed the existence of Alice.

The first reason was the Mind Circle. Alice carried the amulet given by John. At a distance, she need to call the name of John to make it work. However, when at a close range, John could sense the

existence of the Mind Circle at any time.

The second reason was the vital energy in Alice’s body, which was from the same source as John’s. in other words, it was the seed that was planted by John, so he could easily perceive her existence.

That’s why John told Emily that he had to take a shower in the next door.

He knew that Alice wasn’t a person who kept on the rails.

It was a sneak attack as soon as they met.

Fortunately, John had already noticed it. He grabbed her ankle with one hand and lifted it up to spread straight up. Then he held her waist with the other hand and controlled her with strength.

arc. She didn’t panic at all. Instead, she took the initiative to put her seductive face close to John and whispered

cultivator, the enchanting


described as charming before, now it could be concluded as

seductive fox in her previous

release Alice.

let g you. With your character, you will

“Ha ha, you know me better and better, little John. But if you don’t let

John itchy, so he had to let go of her. As expected, the next second, she gave him a

stepped back to

away. Let me beat you first,” said Alice, waving

succeed. If you have the

dare to provoke

living room, from the living room to the kitchen, from the kitchen

last, Alice pushed John down on the sofa and gritted her teeth, “Well,

a bit

you see that, Alice? I was lenient to you on purpose,”

are caught by me

John was speechless.

could the little John do when he met such a naughty elder sister? He could do nothing but let her torture him. Lying on the sofa, he had

Alice said boringly, “It’s so boring. If you don’t resist, it’s

her composure and leaned against the sofa with her

you that I will give lectures

begin to dislike

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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