Chapter 5 The birthmark and purple lightning!

Queenie panicked, an unprecedented panic filled her mind, mixed with incomparably strong shyness and anger.

Queenie had already changed her opinion of John since he helped her out of danger just now. She also wanted to make friends with him even if he was not her brother.

But she never expected he could take off his trousers in front of her.

Queenie had a feeling that she had just escaped from the wolves but was soon trapped in the tiger’s den.

She struggled to get up in anger, but what she saw next made her stunned.

John has a secret mark on his body. On the outer side of his thigh, there was a birthmark, which looked like.

purple lightning.

Almost all the children in the welfare house knew it.

Including his seven sisters.

Therefore, when Queenie saw the purple lightning on his body, she knew that the young man in front of her

was her younger brother, John, who had been separated from her for fifteen years.

“John, so you are not a fake, you are my younger brother! I thought I would never see you again.”

Queenie stood up and held John in her arms with the tears streaming down her face.

John’s nose twitched.

Nothing had changed. Queenie was still the sister who loved him the most. In the past fifteen years, the relationship between them had not become alienated, but more and more intimate.

John was moved and swore to himself that he would try his best to protect his sister for the rest of his life.

But why did he always feel that something was wrong with the lower part of his body?

Soon, John found the answer and said with a bitter smile, “Sister, let me put on my trousers first.”

……”Queenie was speechless for a second.

With her face blushed, but soon she glared at John and said, “You don’t have to be shy in front of me, I’ve seen it many times before!”

“But sister, there is someone else here.”


suddenly realized that there were not only the two

hurried to check on Sam and found that he was still unconscious. Then she breathed a sigh of

know that he had missed a perfect chance


Queenie, while John sat in

years, so they had a lot to talk

most was how John

where did he go

one by one, except for his five-year journey on the battlefield. He only told her that an old wizard saved him and taught him a lot in the

this, Queenie cast a stern glance at him and said, “Are you

she wouldn’t believe

felt so helpless

to the bottom of his story

they know that you are still alive and

handsome young man.”

I’m going

such a bad

Queenie smiled knowingly.

to the Queenie Group, and when they came to

entered the Queenie Building, talking



fans could be

doomed to suffer from

she came back to the company was to

as soon as possible.

was never sloppy in her business and

a vigorous and

John and said, “Little John, are you interested in

smile, “No, I don’t know how to manage a

was the king of the Oracle and his thirty-six subordinates were

being a manager of the

needed a strong force to manage the Oracle, but managing the company needed


was not good at the

here with me. If you

relationship. They were superior and subordinate

had made up her mind, John had to agree

quit at any

were talking, Amy knocked on the door

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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