Chapter 639 Righteous Person

Alice’s temper went as quickly as it came. She said she was going to ignore John for one minute, so she did exactly that.

Exactly one minute later.

She immediately showed a cheeky smile, and replied, “Hehe, do you want to know what I am doing. in Australia? Beg me and I’ll tell you.”

Alice blinked her long and narrow eyes, making her look even more alluring.

Despite spending so much time with Alice and having already developed an immunity to her charms, John’s heart still skipped a bit. What a vixen, no wonder Alice was targeted.

She basically asked for it all.

John said indifferently, “Don’t tell me then, I don’t care to know!”

“Wow, John has a temper. Hehe, I like it when you have a spine, makes me want to conquer you

even more.”

Alice’s tongue reached out and gently traced the corners of her wet lips, immediately putting on an

extremely charming smile.

She leaned slightly closer to John’s cheek and exhaled softly on his face, letting out a gust of

fragrance wind.

She looked like a seductive yet domineering queen.

John smiled bitterly and said, “Alice, I’m sorry, I beg you to tell me why you suddenly came to


John would not mind if Alice did this to him at home. However, there were so many people

watching right now, yet she still seduced him like that. If he failed to control himself, he could not

imagine how embarrassed he would be.

was Alice taking

to her when he teased

indeed vengeful creatures.

longer seemed angry, they would remember it clearly in their hearts and take revenge as soon as they

said softly in a sentimental

a beautiful lady!

three can all have

her watery fox eyes. That extremely beautiful and charming face had

a step back and said

righteous person.”

righteous person!

rolled her adorable eyes flirtatiously and said with disdain, “You’re pretending to be righteous in front of

flirt but not actually do it. If it’s time for

at John with a

refute but

indeed was a coward in the past. The two of them had a lot of fun when he played with Alice. However, there were several times

being a

lot of people here, I’ll cut you some slack and not argue with you. If you have the guts,

a coward or

Nameless Divine Skill he had been

why he had

dared to provoke

save it. You’re all talk. Every time you backed away, I was

tricks again!”

Alice said angrily.

pester John to Joint Cultivate with her and got very addicted, and she was easily

her suffering alone.

of the addiction to Joint Cultivation, so she was

it easily again!

take it as you


I tell you? I came to

here to meet

I know

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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