Chapter 37

Howard Zhang turned his head and smiled at the rich young man, then he threatened Fade Chen in a deep voice, "Your name is Fade Chen and you came to Bay City half a month ago from the rural area of Tianwu City. Then you and Quin Lin had a fake marriage. Let me tell you, this kind of trick won't fool me. Quin will be mine."

After that, Howard Zhang turned around and put on a smiling face, he resumed chatting with the rich businessman.

Quin Lin finally came to her senses. She blushed and quickly bounced off Fade Chen's arms. She tidied up her messy clothes, glared at Fade Chen and then went to the other side to continue socializing.

Fade Chen had no choice but to follow her. After listening for a while, he finally figured out the nature of this party.

It turned out that just a month ago, Mayor Wu, the former mayor of Bay City, retired. Before his retirement, Mayor Wu was the vice secretary of the municipal party committee who was in charge of the economy. He was also a person who loved to drink and today was his birthday.

Therefore, some citizens simply took this opportunity to hold a party. Firstly, they could express their gratitude and farewell to Mayor Wu; secondly, they could celebrate Mr. Wu's birthday, thirdly, it was also a gathering for the elites of the business industry in Bay City, which made this party achieve many goals simultaneously.

As expected, the workaholic Quin Lin soon got to work. She held a glass of wine and talked entrepreneurs into cooperation with her company. Some of them even reached an agreement on the spot.

Fade Chen was not interested in this at all, he grew bored. He made an excuse of going to the bathroom, but instead of doing so, he got a plate of dishes, hid in a corner and ate.

Just when Fade Chen was enjoying his good wine and was picking up the last piece of juicy steak on his plate.

A pair of white and tender hands reached out and grabbed Fade Chen's arm and shook them hard a few times, then a delicate and lovely voice sounded," Superman, Superman..."

steak was about to enter his mouth but it fell directly from the fork onto Fade

urge of wanting to cry. Not to mention that the good steak was ruined, his suit pants that cost him more than ten thousand dollars

Fade Chen's heart. He glared at the source of

as soon as he shouted one word, Fade Chen's angry face froze, and then quickly dissipated into a gentle

her shoulders, and there was a cute little cat hairpin on it. Inaddition, the little

eating?" The little girl continued to shake Fade Chen's arm while pointing at him. "What's wrong

oil-stained pants with his jacket. He coughed

The little girl

spoon of salad and handed it to

turned her face, saying," Superman, I don't want to eat this. I want to

in his heart. This little girl had the same taste as him. Fade Chen was ready to pick up a steak, but he looked down at his plate. He had

little girl was not satisfied. She pouted and said, " Superman, I want

look for some steak. As a result, when he looked around, Fade Chen suddenly felt a little

have you found the steak ?" The little girl was really hungry and

that was displaying with

good!" The little girl clapped her hands, held Fade Chen's clothes,

hall was where the businessmen and rich people gathered and talked. Each of them was holding a red wine glass but never took a sip, let alone eat. However, at this moment, Fade Chen came over with a little girl, fished out a large plate of steak directly picked up a piece of steak, and

showed a look of surprise. In their eyes, they couldn't help but show

wolfing down the food and chewing until the juice spurted out, Quin

piece of steak and said hello to her, "Quin, are you hungry? This steak tastes

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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