Chapter 55

"President Wu, I, I just... Edward Xu tried to explain.

But the roar on the other side of the phone burst out like a volcano," I don't care what benefit did you get by doing this, and I don't care what you are thinking. Now, apologize immediately to Mr. Chen. Then pack up your things and get out of here. You know the consequences if you don't do as I say."

Edward Xu's whole body trembled, and he looked towards Howard Zhang for help. Howard frowned slightly and approached him. He said into the phone, "Manager Wu, I am Howard Zhang. Recently, I accompanied my father to the provincial capital and I was lucky to meet you. This matter, think it is a big misunderstanding, I..."

Before Howard Zhang could finish, Charles Wu's cold voice came from the other end of the phone. "Howard, I don't care what you think. I only warn you to not get involved in my company. Otherwise, get your father to speak to me."

Then, Charles Wu hung up the phone.

Howard Zhang's face was livid, and Edward Xu grew paler. Then he walked over to Fade Chen reluctantly, bowed down and said, "Mr. Chen, I'm sorry, it's my fault."

"Do you think it's enough with just an apology?" Fade Chen snorted.

Then Edward Xu knelt down hastily in front of Fade Chen and kowtowed for mercy, "Mr. Chen, please forgive me. I was wrong.

I really know I was wrong." Fade Chen glanced at Quin Lin and asked in a low voice," Dear, will this do?"

Quin Lin rolled her eyes at Fade Chen and whispered, "Just let him go. I don't want to see him any longer."

Fade Chen nodded, kicked Edward Xu to the ground and said, "Get lost, don't let me see you again."

as relieved and scrambled

the other side, Donald

he was about to escape, a voice rang out. "Secretary

Fade Chen's evil

No way!" Fade Chen snorted, picked up a

back and fell forward suddenly. He fell

was full of blood. He walked back towards the counter and threw him

just.." Donald Qin still

coldly, "Michael Huang

expression suddenly froze. He finally knew why Fade Chen could solve the problem

when did you partner up with Howard Zhang ? Who else

as if he

gently stabbed on Donald Qin's fingertip. Fade didn't move much, however, the pain

it won't be just one silver needle. I will insert the needles in all of your fingers

Qin shuddered and couldn't help trembling. Then he told Fade

out that the whole incident was related to the marriage engagement between Quin Lin and

Lin to sign the engagement agreement, Jeremy Lin and Howard Zhang had been forcing Quin Lin to submit to

company secretary, Donald Qin naturally became the pawn in their plan. When Jeremy Lin promised him that he would give him 10% of the shares after he inherits Fei

a lot of information about Quin Lin's work life and private life to them in

leaked the news that Quin Lin was drugged, so Howard Zhang could

this time, it happened on the spur of the moment. The reason was because Jeremy Lin suddenly found that his sister

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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