Chapter 114

"President Wu, you, you know him?" Faye Xu asked Mindy Wu, clinging desperately on her final hope.

Mindy Wu nodded and said," Mr. Chen is an honored guest of my family. What's the matter ?"

Faye Xu's face immediately turned pale. She took a few steps back, hurriedly waved her hand and dismissed, "No. nothing."

But at this time, Fade Chen snorted and stated, "President Xu, this isn't what you said just now. You had ramped the barrier, hit a man and assaulted people, oh and verbally abused us. It doesn't look like nothing to me ?"

Faye Xu looked quickly at Fade Chen, eager to mend the wrongs. She bowed respectfully and pleaded," Mr. Chen, it was all a misunderstanding just now. It was my fault. I hope you don't take it to heart and forgive me this once, I will..."

Fade Chen waved his hand in disgust and interrupted coldly, "You want me to spare you this once ? If I hadn't showed up, would you have spared these security guards ?"

Mindy Wu's brows knitted in a frown. She asked Fade Chen," Mr. Chen, what just happened ?"

Fade Chen subsequently told Mindy Wu the whole story of Faye Xu and Zion Liu's outrageous behaviors. Faye Xu and Zion Liu's faces turned as white as a sheet.

Additionally. Little Fish who was in Mindy's arms, also intercepted from time to time.

"Mommy, this aunty is a bad person. She scolded me and Brother Superman."

"Also, she wanted to hit me, saying that I am a wild kid."

how many times have 1 told you that my father has retired and is no longer the mayor. It's useless for you to look for us. But you insisted on coming here again and again, and now even did

President Xu, you should reflect on yourself now. As for

pale. Her body shook hard and she

as the mayor of Bay City, he still enjoyed a strong connection. Furthermore, he had a son who was a successful businessman in the

the very reason Faye Xu came to him many times, to seek Mr. Wu's

words had almost cut off their intention of getting the land approved. After all, with Mr. Wu's status, if he even mentioned this matter slightly, the relevant departments of Bay City would naturally consider the impact, and it would be impossible for

a huge blow from this realization and her face fell blank. She had lost her wits even more so compared to

almost knelt in front of Mindy Wu and Fade Chen asking

Fade Chen to forgive such people. So naturally, they turned

and growled, "Dear, get up. Don't

lit up to her husband's comfort. Seeing that there's still

over and inadvertently glimpsed at Faye Xu and Zion Liu. She

front of them. They were taken aback too, and responded, "President

for that of course. Mindy Wu and Mr. Wu could only

for the production of all kinds of cosmetic products. Fei Enterprises

would affect the business expansion of their company, then Quin

stakes were obvious. So it was not difficult to understand their

Lin and Fade Xu. He could

Lin nodded and said, "They

heard the word "wife" from Fade Chen’s mouth. They were paralyzed and stared in utter disbelief at

Chen scowled

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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