Chapter 143

Hearing this, Lincoln Xie showed a proud expression on his face. Then, he turned to look at Fade Chen and snorted," Did you hear that? I said that this wine is mine, so it must be mine.

Fade Chen's eyes darkened and he grunted, "Ask your boss to come over now. I'd like to see how your shop does business. How can they turn the truth upside down."

When the waitress heard that Fade Chen wanted to meet with her boss, she was so scared that her whole body trembled and her face showed concern.

Seeing this, Lincoln Xie comforted the waitress and said, ‘Don’t worry, let your boss come over. I’m sure that your boss will know what to say when he sees me."

The waitress looked hesitant, but at this point, she had no choice but to call the boss over.

The owner was a middle-aged man in his forties. He walked over with a smile on his face and handed a cigarette to Fade Chen and Lincoln Xie with a smile.

Fade Chen snorted. Instead of taking the boss’s cigarette, he looked at him coldly and said, " Boss, I want to know how your restaurant educate your staff. She sent the things we ordered to other customers. Is this the rule of your restaurant?"

When the waitress went to call her boss over just now, the boss had already roughly understood the whole story. Hence, he naturally understood the meaning of Fade Chen’s words, but at this moment, he purposefully pretended to be silly and said, ‘Sir, please calm down. We will investigate the matter thoroughly and give you a satisfactory answer."

‘A satisfactory answer?" Fade Chen said, ‘Bring us the wine now!"

Seeing this, Lincoln Xie immediately said, "This is the wine that I ordered."

all said that the wine was ordered by yourself. This is

wine ? Sir, you may replay the CCTV of the restaurant and see it

to watch the surveillance video, the waitress suddenly turned pale and looked worried.

also changed slightly, but then he showed a look of disdain. He winked at the boss and said in a low voice, "Sir, my name

approached Lincoln Xie and said, "It's Young Master Xie from the Xie Family in Bay City. It's my honor to have

indeed your honor!" Lincoln Xie's face was full of pride. Then he pointed to the Life Elixir Wine and said, "This

the wine and said, "We, of course, serve the wine that Young Master Xie wants. In order to thank you for coming,

Life Elixir Wine and looked at Fade Chen provocatively. Then he nodded and said proudly, "Yes, I don't care about tens of millions of yuan. What I care about is dignity. If someone shows me respect, I

and tell him my name, tell him that I asked the company to cooperate

both hands, and the smile on his face was wide. He didn't expect that he would win Young Master Xie's favor by sending him a bottle of wine and

voice, "Wendy, I'll raise your salary

so lucky this time. First, she got 10,000 yuan, and now she was rewarded by the boss. How lucky

flattered Lincoln Xie,

this, Fade Chen lowered his voice and said coldly, "Boss, are you doing

was not polite to Fade Chen. He directly said in an official tone," Dear guest, if you have any dissatisfaction, you can mention

it into consideration. If our restaurant can't satisfy you, you can call the department. We welcome the supervisors

as Fade Chen. After all, compared with the benefits of pleasing

good, so this is the way your restaurant runs!" Fade Chen's voice was extremely gloomy. Then he took out his mobile phone and said

calling to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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