Chapter 159

"Nice one!" Horace Wan blocked the incoming punch from Tom Wei. Seeing two of Bay City’s famed martial artists going at it, the wedding guests moved back hastily. At the same time, they were piqued with curiosity. After all, one did not often get to be a spectator of such a battle.

"Crash, Bang, Pow!"

They fought, at times attacking and at times defending against each other. Tom Wei was taken aback and mused, "Horace Wan has progressed greatly in skill and strength."

In spite of exchanging only a few blows, he could feel the significant improvement of Horace Wan. Previously, Horace Wan had a skill equal to Tom Wei prior to training with Fade Chen. That was around the lower

Yellow level, where Tom Wei had remained without advancement in skill for years.

Later, after meeting Fade Chen and training under him, Tom Wei broke through his plateau. He improved much under the guidance of Fade Chen, and his skill rose to a level far above Horace Wan.

But now, only after a few months, Horace Wan seemed to have reached the mid-yellow level as well. His strength and skill were equal to Tom Wei’s.

Although Tom Wei wasn’t prepared for this increased strength in his opponent, he was not intimidated. He remained focused and attacked with renewed ferocity, pushing back on Horace Wan. Time passed, and no one seemed to be gaining ground on each other.

Amidst the battle, Howard Zhang used the opportunity to secretly gesture towards his guards. They surrounded Lily Wei and Quin Lin.

Tom Wei was enraged. "Shame on you!" He sped towards the ladies in aid.

Horace Wan still remained calm, following him. "Brother Wei, don’t get distracted, otherwise I will show no mercy."

Horace Wan upped the ante on the attack, pouncing on Tom Wei.

Tom Wei intended to retaliate, but he had to protect Lily Wei and Quin Lin who were behind him.

with his guard down, Horace Wan gathered all his

distracted and couldn’t react fast enough. As a result, Horace Wan managed to land a blow

triumphant in front of Tom Wei, shaking his head. "Brother Wei, you have grown weak and

behind Horace Wan. At this moment, Howard

retorting ."How

Horace Wan. As if on cue, Horace Wan spoke to Tom Wei, "Brother Wei, this is Master Zhang’s wedding ceremony. If you

eyes as he gritted his

Wei sneered. He

Zhang and his friends to step back

to challenge you. But if you remain so stubborn, then don’t blame

"I’ve never tried to be polite with you, Horace Wan. Get off your high horse and come get me." " So be it!" Horace Wan gritted his teeth and anger

clenched his fist

The fight continued.

the upper hand, and not long after, Tom Wei got more injuries. He started bleeding

the way!"

Wei replied valiantly." I’m

Horace Wan roared, landing a punch on Tom Wei’s

way as blood continued to spew from his

down to the ground, Horace Wan did not stop with the attack. Filled with burning rage, he continued

by panic, as she shrieked, "Horace

Wan retorted, "He hasn’t admitted his

Wan was about to resume his attack on Tom Wei, but right at this

men walking out of the elevator, looking ready for vengeance. At the

"The Four Heavenly Kings of North Bay

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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