Chapter 169

Seeing Sergeant Wang accept the written confession, Fade Chen spoke. "Sergeant Wang, we are a little tired. Can we return home to rest? If you require anything else from us, let us know and we will be there in a second."

Seeing him being so courteous, Sergeant Wang nodded."No worries, Mr Chen. You may leave now. Thank you for your kind cooperation."

With these words, Sergeant Wang gestured at his subordinates to allow Fade Chen and his companions to leave.

As he oversaw their departure ,Sergeant Wang sighed in relief. This went better than expected. At least there was a written admission complete with signatures and reliable witnesses, which would mean the matter could be settled with ease.

Sergeant Wang beckoned his men to return to the police station. However, at this moment, there was the sound of a sudden commotion.

Sergeant Wang observed a troop of men in black uniform approaching. They looked as though they belonged to some special branch of the police force. Sergeant Wang became tense as they moved towards him and his cohort, speaking in frustration. "Why are they here at this time of the day ? Are they looking for trouble ?"

Fade Chen was also aware of the approaching troops. He looked on curiously, assuming they were probably some special branch of the police task force. Then, he ignored them, and began to leave with his companions.

The troops directly barred Fade Chen from leaving. One of them, clad in leather boots and dark glasses, spoke commandingly. ‘Don’t move."

Fade Chen frowned and spoke icily. "What do you want?"

want?" The man in shades scoffed. Sizing up Fade Chen, he continued. "People have been killed. Do you really

as he scrutinized the man. He started

said, "Captain Hu, our unit has investigated the

two men have died and many have been injured. You can’t just chalk it down to an act of self-defense and let everyone go.

have no authority

not dare to disobey and show his temper.

Chen frowned at the man’s words. He was mystified. "What is the Stealth

"The Stealth Team is a special task force set up to deal with martial

understood the

handle the

strength superseded even other branches of special police units. They were evidently of much higher

doing his official duty, Fade Chen was cooperative. He spoke, "I have handed over to Sergeant Wang all information

Captain Hu. "Captain, it is quite clear. Mr. Chen and his

"A retaliation in self-defense? Sergeant Wang, you can’t just jump to that conclusion

directly at Fade Chen, speaking in command, "Come with me then, we need to

on what had happened. We are exhausted, and need rest. If you have

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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