Chapter 196

Chen, if we go against the Hu Family this time, I'm afraid that the Hu Family..." Fade Chen looked at Hubert Qian and said, "You don't want to start a war with the Hu family, but the Hu Family doesn't necessarily think so. Even if we don't make the first move, the Hu family would have probably done something first. Just look, the butler sending gifts this time is the best proof." Hubert Qian was shocked, and then he immediately figured out the whole story. Originally, he and the Hu family were equals in Hanover City. However now, Fade Chen had joined in hands with him, their relationship being quite close. In addition, the Huang family's industry was recently flourishing too. All of these had stirred up the initial peace and equilibrium in their statuses. Of course, the Hu family had their own ideas. In their opinion, Hubert Qian had already formed an alliance with Fade Chen and was ready to deal with the Hu family. Therefore, the Hu family decided to take action first and started by causing chaos at the banquet. On the one hand, it could test the relationship between Fade Chen and Hubert Qian; on the other hand, it could become an excuse to continue engaging in conflict in future. After making sense of all this, Hubert Qian's face wash brooded in worry and he said, "Mr. Chen, since the Hu family wants to cause trouble, we can't just sit there and wait for it to come. I will immediately order my men to start preparing." Fade Chen waved his hand and said, "No need, it's because of me this time. I don't want to involve people in fighting and killing." "Then as for the Hu Family..." Hubert Qian was a little worried. Fade Chen said, "If there's any movements by the Hu family, I'll handle them myself." Upon hearing this, Hubert Qian couldn't help but be shocked. He felt a chill as a sense of gratification started surging in his heart. When he thought of all the things about Fade Chen that Jimmy Wei told him about, he became more respectful to Fade Chen in his mind. "Don't worry too much. Get some rest!" Fade Chen said to Hubert Qian. Then, he turned back and returned to his room to rest. While Fade Chen and Hubert Qian were at the banquet, in an independent courtyard set up in the suburbs by the Hu Family, a simple and elegant wooden hut stood beside a crystal clear lake. Beside the wooden hut, there were two men - one old and one young, sitting on both sides of the table playing chess behind a vintage carved wood window. Both of them were dressed in white robes and there was a faint smile on their faces. They were sipping tea and playing chess at the same time. The young man took the black pieces. After thinking for a few seconds, he set down chess pieces on the chessboard and said at the same time, "Uncle, Butler Liu, Dragon Zhang and Tiger Zhao were beaten by Hubert Qian. Does Hubert Qian really want to start a war with the Hu Family ?" A faint smile appeared on the corners of the elder's mouth, who was about fifty or sixty years old. He didn't hesitate to find a spot and set down his white pieces. At the same time, he said, "Although Hubert Qian's name may sound heroic, he has long lost his heroism. He

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