Chapter 2027

Matthew was a little jealous. These people sure are rich. All those herbs are super rare, but they used them in an experiment? Matthew took a whiff of the pill and picked up a little knife to scrape a bit of powder off the pill. He gulped it down, and his eyes went wide with shock.

"You actually figured out how the whole pill works." Modified, but the basics are there, and it's correct.

They're genius. Paintaker only gave them that lecture last night and we spent most of the night messing around. Yet, these people managed to figure out the whole thing and make a modified pill in mere hours. Genius.

"The effects have weakened a bit, but now it does help with laryngeal cancer, though not greatly. Forget about modifying the pill. You should use the basics of the Reconstruction Pill and come up with a new medicine for laryngeal cancer." Matthew was telling the truth, though a bit nervously. The contestants both made good points for and against the pill.

advice, the debate came to a stop and the contestants left the pavilion. They put their arms around each other despite having had a fierce

about the competition, you

left. They thought that Matthew was starting to get a little

to cure. Even with the Restoration Pill's workings, all they had was a path of possibilities. They still had to go through a lot of experiments and failures before they could make another type of medicine that could cure other types of cancer. They had a long road ahead of

and had breakfast. The skies had

before Renew Pharmaceuticals, and then a man hurried into the courtyard after he got out

contestants stopped their discussion and looked at the stranger. Matthew stood up, confused. "I

He handed Matthew

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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