Jane echoed, “It’s true. Sometimes when Titus is playing alone, no one is looking at him, and when there is no sound, when you go to find him, you will find that he is causing damage. Once, he even killed me. The lipstick was smeared all over the floor.”

Elisa had never taken care of a child. The child she had had the most contact with was Sonny. In her eyes, Sonny had always been sensible, cute, and smart, but she didn’t expect that there was a side that she didn’t know about.

She thought children were angels. Like her nephew, he didn’t look very good-looking when he was born, but now he’s getting better-looking every day.

She took several photos of her nephew every day, saying she was filming a growth documentary for him.

just a little bit of a crybaby.

Children cry when they are hungry, they cry when they have a bowel movement, and children who cannot speak cry when they open their mouths.

Jane and Serenity chatted about children for a while. When they heard Enzo’s cry, the two children woke up. She got up and went to hug her son. As for Avah, Ben had already picked her up.

Ben was holding Avah in one hand and holding the suitcase in the other. Remy followed him, always saying, “Brother, let me help you hold Avah so that you can relax.”

of the hand holding the suitcase and asked Remy to carry it for him. He also

Remy’s villa here didn’t have that big a place to

suitcase. You and my sister-in-law are going back soon. Please let me hug Avah a little more without losing

muttering, Remy still helped Ben

holding Avah, and then waited for Jane to come forward with Avah in her arms. He said to Jane, “Wife,


go out and

first and wait for

given birth to a baby yet, so

to see

and Remy want to send Jane and her family

main house, Sonny ran to Serenity. Serenity held his hand and asked

goodbye and kept shouting at Titus: “Titus, come and play with

Titus: “OK.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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