Tania said quickly, “Seren, you have to be happy. If Zachary dares to make you angry, tell me, and I will teach him a lesson. The most important thing for you right now is your health.”

Serenity and her pregnant daughter-in-law were more important than her son, Zachary.

The child in Serenity’s belly was the grandchild Tania had been looking forward to for a long time. Whether it was a grandson or a granddaughter, it was the first grandchild and was special in the hearts of Tania and Liam.

Tania could understand Grandma May’s feelings for Zachary.

As the first grandchild and the next-generation relative, it was natural that Grandma May loved Zachary the most.

Serenity smiled and said, “Mom, Zachary and I haven’t had any conflicts for a long time, and he won’t have any conflicts with me now. Mom, don’t worry.”

When they first got married, because they had no emotional foundation and Zachary had some misunderstandings about her, thinking that she had some agenda and coaxing her grandma into forcing him to marry her, the couple was prone to conflicts.

When lovers in love become husband and wife and live together, there will also be a running-in period.

that she and Zachary had a

it really to chase his wife? I asked Tatum who he was going to be a home cook for, but he refused to tell me. He kept it

that Tatum became a home cook because he

know whose family Tatum would

him from going to work, and the other is that he really wants to chase his wife. When Zachary comes back in the evening, I will tell Zachary and go find out. Just ask the family where Tatum is going to work if there is a daughter of

very much. He will tell Zachary whatever is on his mind. He rarely talks to me. He talks more to his father than to

same with giving me a granddaughter. I’m in good health and can live until my

she said, “Mom, I can’t guarantee this. I have nothing to

nothing to

a little embarrassed when talking about this

subject and said, “I don’t know what kind of

be very good and suitable for Tatum. Grandma often travels around and to so many places. She has thousands of choices to choose from,


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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