Gu Lingfei: Married at First Sight Novel Chapter 335

Serenity would be returning to the store after breakfast while Zachary would be heading to the office. Since their routes were different, the couple drove their own cars separately.

They first went to Bright Boulevard to pick Liberty up.

They saw Liberty pushing her son out to the entrance of the neighborhood.


Serenity quickly got out and walked toward her sister after pulling the car over by the curb.

“Ant Swer.”

Sonny stretched his arms out for Serenity to carry him.

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Serenity bent over and picked him up, rewarding him with two little kisses and that made the little one giggle.

When Zachary saw this, he wanted to shrink himself to become a two–year–old toddler so Serenity would kiss him too.

is Sonny up so early

woke him up and fed him milk before coming


in the car, Liberty.” As Zachary

and loaded the child‘s stroller into Serenity‘s

are you taking public transportation

“Why don‘t you ride an e–bike?

was no problem fitting Liberty‘s

not enough time. I‘ll ride the e–bike

changed into a more flattering outfit today, compared to the

went to work. Now that she was reentering the workforce, she felt a

“That works too.”

not turn

reason Olivia and Chelsea

last time. They wanted me to pick up Chelsea‘s children as well as cook for and tutor them, but I refused! Since Chelsea gave birth to them, she could take care of them. I don’t have the time to care about

her relationship breakdown with Hank. Even if they were


in–laws helping with her children‘s school transportation arrangement? Just let

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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