Gu Lingfei: Married at First Sight Novel Chapter 477Chelsea was glared at by her father and did not dare speak, but she desperately shot a look at her brother

Hank received his sister‘s plea for help. He cleared his throat and said to Serenity, “Serenity. just let my sister take Matthew to apologize and leave it at that. I‘m after all Sonny‘s father and one of his guardians, so I think I have the right to decide.”

Serenity said sarcastically, “Oh, so you do remember that you‘re Sonny‘s father? If other children‘s fathers knew their son got bullied, they would drag a forty-meter-long broadsword to get even with the perpetrator with no second thoughts.

“You‘re his father, but you want to settle the matter instead. Are you closer to your nephew than your own son?”

Serenity then said to George, “Sonny was rescued in the hospital and had a full–body examination which cost several thousand. I‘ve brought the bill from the hospital so you won‘t think I‘m ripping you off.

“I came here today for two reasons. Firstly, I want you to bring your son to apologize and promise us that he won‘t approach Sonny again in the future. The second is the issue of compensation. Sonnvas traumatized. There‘s no telling how much it will cost to heal his

mental trauma.

“That‘s an unknown amount of money. Either way, you have to compensate for the medical expenses from yesterday, and if Sonny needs subsequent treatment, you‘ll be the ones footing the bill as well. We won‘t ask much for supplements or compensation for mental damages. Including yesterday‘s medical bill, please just compensate Sonny for fifty thousand for the time being.”

Chelsea jumped at that. “Why don‘t you just go rob a bank? Sonny is still so young. Why would he need supplements and compensation for mental damages? Matthew was beaten too. Why don‘t you pay us for that?”

Serenity retorted, “Who was the one who beat your son?”

Chelsea was speechless

the person who beat your son to compensate you. In any


again at a

about to divorce your

was frightened, he‘ll be fine if you

treatments? It’s

Chelsea and said coldly, “Can

not treat Chelsea

Chelsea was hopping mad.

a human being, and Serenity had also scolded her for not being a

from the police station

called them over

to the police yesterday, but the matter had not been dealt

all costs would be borne by the Repton family. The Reptons were also required to bring Matthew to apologize in–person to Sonny, and

had to pay fifty thousand.

the money he was about to lose, he got

in order to settle

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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