Chapter 810

Serenity’s heart sank to the pit of her stomach.

Zachary usually drove a national MPV. Did he deliberately buy the car to trick her?

She bet he went around in an expensive car with his security detail in tow because that was how stylish the heir of the Yorks traveled!


Zachary got out of the car and took large strides over.


Zachary approached the sisters, first apologizing to Liberty. “I know I’m in the wrong here, Liberty. Can you give me a moment with Seren?”

Tilting her head, Liberty looked at her sister.

Serenity callously retorted, “What’s there to talk about? You’re the great Mr. York. You’re up there, and I’m down here. I’m just a lowly citizen, and you’re out of my league. I’m not entitled to have a chat with




out to pull her

talk to him, Seren.

shake Zachary’s hand off, but he

and pounded him like

and waited until

Zachary locked her in his arms and clung to her

outcome he

why he feared facing the

with Ben, Zachary took Ben’s advice and mustered the courage

Zachary! Let go of

as Serenity yelled and bit him. She did not hesitate to chomp down on his flesh. Although in pain, Zachary

sorry, Seren. I’m

could utter

owed her big

kept the truth from her

back to when Zachary came down with the nasty flu. He probed her, asking under what circumstances

would not make a commotion or say

yelling, and biting, Zachary bent over and picked her up

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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