Chapter 1388

Sonny cried as he put up a fight to break free from the man’s locked arms.

The boy even kicked the man. It was a shame Sonny’s limited strength was merely a scratch to

the big man.

It was useless.

Seeing that his kicking did not work, Sonny suddenly slapped the man’s eyes. Now, he got a


The man in black could not see as Sonny smacked and slapped his eyes. The man staggered in his footsteps and could not keep up the speed.

Liberty gave everything she got to pick up her pace. Ten meters, five meters, one meter….

Frustrated, the man in black was about to knock Sonny unconscious when Liberty charged up and pounced on him. She got Sonny back, but she tumbled onto the ground. Despite falling down, she kept her son tightly wrapped in her embrace. Sonny remained on top of his mother during the fall.

The only thing a mother could think of was protecting her child in a moment of danger.

fell. There was no way Liberty would let go. She

footsteps was


that some of the people were his companions, but the majority were highly-trained


companions yelled

but Liberty would not release her grip on her son. The man saw

go all the same. She would not let

the cost of

mom! Don’t hit

Since his mother clutched

grip, the man pulled out a knife

pain in her arm as blood spilled and

was not enough reason for

randomly stabbed Liberty again and

down as she shielded her son who was now under her. The blood-stained knife slashed

someone kicked the knife out of the man’s hand. The man made a last- ditch effort to fight, but he was soon beaten to a

“Ms. Hunt!”

responsible for protecting Liberty and Sonny in the dark,


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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