Julian added: “As far as I know, there are rose gardens, hundred gardens and sunflower gardens. But it’s October now, and there are not so many flowers. If you come here in spring, it will be really beautiful. “

Kiera also pressed the car window. Looking into the distance, she asked in amazement: “Are the places I see belong to the York family? Are the people I see also from the York family?”

Julian said: “All the places you can see now belong to the York family. Most of the people you see are workers from the York family, gardeners, and those who work on the fruit hills. They need a lot of workers.

There are also some people who are members of the York family. They may have participated in the fifth suit with Young Master York, or they may have participated in the fifth suit. Anyway, their surname is York.

Those houses are the same. Some are the residences of the York clan, and some are the dormitories of the workers. The York family also treats the workers very well. If it is an individual, it will be divided into a single room with a small kitchen and a small bathroom. They can cook for themselves.

If you have a family with you, you will be given a suite dormitory. Although the suite is not too big, it is well designed, but it is enough to live in.”

Kiera’s eyes widened when she heard that, and she exclaimed, “The people who work here are treated the same as white-collar workers?”

workers’ children have good grades in school and are admitted to a good university. If they can enter the society and work in the York Corporation in the future, the York family will also give a

they seldom moved their nests and were reluctant to leave. First, they stayed for a long time and got used

good employer, I would be reluctant to leave. No wonder the York family has stood firm as

rare that a large family with a prosperous population could live

to mention being in a wealthy family, it was difficult to have such a family even in an ordinary

Old Mrs. York is an old lady with a high

was: “Old Mrs. York is an old fox, and also an old smiling tiger. She smiles and is as kind as a Bodhisattva. When she tricks

She likes you and will take the initiative to mess with you. She is also very loyal. Of her nine grandchildren, only

he and

was the object of the old lady’s leaked

be arranged dozens of blind dates a day by his parents, and the majestic young master of the


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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