“Mr. Queen.”

Under Julian’s introduction, Kiera knew that Hayden was from the Queen Enterprise in Jensburg, the head president of the Queen Enterprise, and the young master of the Queen family. He was also the rumored boyfriend of Kevin.

Well, Kevin was gay, which surprised Kiera.

She didn’t expect that Kevin would be gay, let alone that the whole York family didn’t stop him from being gay, and she never thought of breaking up Kevin and Hayden.

However, Hayden was indeed handsome.

But who was Kevin and what was his identity? She had seen too many handsome men and beautiful women since she was a child.

It may be Hayden’s cool demeanor that attracted Kevin.

Kiera looked Hayden up and down several times, and summed up in her heart the reason why Kevin fell in love with Hayden.

“Ms. Caron.”

world for many years. She had deep sincerity and

She didn’t explain much.

as Mr.

this moment, she represented

really didn’t like to

York family, everyone else looked at her with curiosity when they saw her, wondering what she was

Kiera: “Mr. Queen alone?”

“Ms. Caron

the Manor is so beautiful, so I visited the garden

the big scene, she wouldn’t have followed Julian on

least, she heard a lot

how would she know that Kevin liked a man, and

seen the enlightenment of the York parents

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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