-Zachary: “It won’t snow in Wiltspoon.”

Sonny: “Why?”

Zachary: “It won’t snow because it won’t snow.”

Sonny: “…”

He still didn’t understand why it didn’t snow in Wiltspoon.

Sonny, who always didn’t want to go to kindergarten, was still carried out of the room by Zachary.

Zachary: “I will send you to kindergarten today.”

Sonny: “Where is my aunt?”

Zachary: “I’ll let your aunt sleep a little longer. She doesn’t have to get up so early. She can go to work later.”

My aunt doesn’t have to get up early or go to work, but I can’t. I still have

up, you will be someone else’s man. If you get someone else’s cabbage, you will live like someone else’s

Sonny kept blinking.

he couldn’t digest a lot of what Zachary said

but why couldn’t he speak well in front of Serenity?

a while, Sonny asked, “Uncle, I didn’t steal other people’s cabbage. I don’t do petty theft. Our family is not short of cabbage. Do I need to steal

angry. He felt that Zachary said that he was a thief and stole other


but laugh. He smiled and said, “Yes, yes, Sonny, don’t do petty theft or steal other people’s cabbage. You don’t like

aunt is not a cabbage!”

overlap his beautiful aunt and

so how could it be his

Zachary said

Sonny came back from kindergarten in the afternoon, he would tell Serenity to

loudly. “Your aunt is my cabbage, and this cabbage is not that cabbage.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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