Chapter 377

Sonny soon fell asleep in his mother‘s arms.

Liberty took the opportunity of him sleeping and handed him over to her sister. She was extremely grateful that Serenity and her husband hired Mrs. Lane to help her take good care of Sonny.

She could not stand on her own feet yet, but she would remember Serenity and Zachary‘s kindness. She would repay them well when she could stand on her own again.

Liberty then went to work.

Elisa received a phone call from a friend. The others did not know what the friend said, but after Elisa took the call, she said goodbye to Serenity and Jasmine before leaving in a hurry.

“Jasmine, you watch the shop with Sonny first. I‘ll take Mrs. Lane to buy some bedding products.”

Serenity had not forgotten that she had to buy a bed, cabinets, and bedding for Mrs. Lane.


idle until the students

read novels to pass

Lane said, “Ms. Hunt, you can go out and buy it yourself. Sonny will need someone to look after him when he

Lane was heartbroken for Sonny when she learned that

words, why was he not doted on when he was

Sonny this way despite him being a boy. I don‘t know

‘It‘s better to leave.

a long time ago with

staying, Serenity drove her car out by herself to help Mrs. Lane

store in the evening and bracing through the peak hours, her sister returned from work to pick Sonny up. Jasmine went home too, so it was just Mrs.


“You‘re not working overtime?”

her husband walk in with calm and steady steps. His aura was so imposing

too handsome.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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