Chapter 371

“Look at that sweet smile. Did your husband send you a message?”

Jasmine teased her best friend.

She was happy when she saw Serenity and Mr. York getting closer to each other. She was looking forward to the two having a wedding soon so she could be the bridesmaid at their wedding banquet.

“Our guest room doesn‘t have a bed and cabinet yet. He received a bonus and transferred fifteen thousand for me to buy a bed, closet, bedding, and whatnot.

“Mrs. Lane, I‘ll take you shopping after Sonny has his afternoon nap, and that‘ll be after lunch. They‘re for you, so you should pick them out yourself.”

Mrs. Lane laughed. “I‘m not picky. I‘ll be fine with just having a place to stay.” “That won‘t do. You have to live comfortably. Your boss gave us money to buy stuff for you, so we don‘t have to scrimp and save for him. Pick furniture that‘s of good quality.”

would be living together like a

Zachary, but she did not want to go home either. Thus,

Mrs. Lane to cook for one


play with toys happily and said, “Go ahead. I‘ll look

she hurriedly took out her phone and

and she agreed.) Zachary transferred the money to Serenity after his meeting and went through several important documents. He was just about to pack up and leave work early to have lunch

in this life. Zachary tossed the car keys back on

ring… His phone rang. It


Serenity‘s shop, so don‘t go over

a moment of silence, Zachary asked, “How do you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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